unhealthy. Customer: my leopard gecko is bleeding from the "vent" or groin area-looks like a large cut, or possibly prolapse..it is a female, however. If your gecko displays any unusual symptoms and they dont resolve independently after a few days, get them to a reptile vet to determine the cause, get an official diagnosis, and a treatment plan moving forward. The licking is present for other reasons as well. However, if something is stuck in the digestive system and causing irritation, you may not want to make it worse by rubbing. It is in front of the Cloaca, which is where fecal and reproductive material exits the body. However, excessive licking might indicate that something is wrong with your gecko. I have a feeling that you aren't getting it all? You must log in or register to reply here. Fun Fact: Did you know? Along these lines of territory, a good owner needs to know about leopard gecko cohabitation and tank mates (click to learn more). After your gecko has deposited their scent on most of the surfaces in their enclosure, they will likely find a comfortable spot to sit and lick their vents clean of any of the substance still clinging to their vent and the pores surrounding it. However, if you notice additional troublesome symptoms like those mentioned above, either impaction or parasites are likely causing your gecko to lick their vent more often than usual. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It is important to establish a relationship with a veterinarian that has experience with reptiles to help guide you through the essentials. Swollen Vent. The hot hide. In reptiles, the ends of the digestive, urinary, and reproductive tract combine to form a common chamber and a single opening to the external environment. Additionally, offer them a few drops of olive oil by mouth, as it is a natural laxative and is known to help significantly with constipated and impacted reptiles. When choosing your new leopard gecko, look closely at the tail since it can be a key indicator of overall health. Leopard Geckos can be vocal lizards, especially when they are hungry, making a variety of chirps and squeaks. Some of the links may be affiliate in nature meaning we earn a small commission if an item is purchased. This structure is called the cloaca or vent. Before offering your leopard gecko a meal, you will also need to coat the insects with a calcium and vitamin D3 supplement. Thats not to say that cats are dirty animals because most of them are great at keeping clean, but for leopard geckos, the effort to do so is much less. This is much like another desert dwelling creature, the camel, storing fat in its hump for survival . (You may not ever notice your gecko doing thisoften male geckos only mark territory when they are in the presence of another male.). After shedding, they will likely lick their vent to soothe any remaining itchiness or discomfort. I've noticed a lot the last week or two that he's been licking his vent as well. While something like that happening is harmless, if they dont clean it off by licking it, it will sometimes take assistance from the owners to remove this wax. Leopard geckos are hard to sex until they become bit older and start developing preanal pores and hemipenes. An ideal daytime basking spot of 88 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit can be produced by an under tank heat mat. Signs of impaction in your leopard gecko include: If you suspect your gecko is suffering from an impaction, your veterinarian can take an X-ray to determine if something is indeed stuck, and then provide instructions or assistance in removing the blockage. Leopard geckos are susceptible to a few internal parasites, from pinworms to coccidia to cryptosporidium. Breeders also offer much more unique and wider color morph variations than what you can find at pet stores. At the same time, they go about their daily activities. Certain colors are more desired and valuable (for example, Albino leopard gecko), while the normal coloration found in the wild is readily available and most affordable. This may occur before or after the eggs are laid. If you see anything suspicious, have her examined by your vet or an experienced herp vet. A vent in geckos refers to the animals genital area. As said before those are typical male testes. Unlike some lizards that need different-sized tanks as they grow. There is also some discoloration around the swelling and also at the leading edge of the vent. Artificial plants provide a great alternative, and beautiful greenery to your pets enclosure. Causes: Cleaning After Marking Territory (Males), Causes: Cleaning Post-Egg Laying (Females). Although you know leopard geckos do well on a diet of crickets, Before offering your leopard gecko a meal, you will also need to, As your leopard gecko grows, it can tackle larger prey, and eat more food items at once. Your best bet is a reptile vet for something like that. Male African fat-tailed geckos will have swelling at the base of the tail . I plan on ordering one as soon as I get home. We wouldn't be able to help gecko owners all over the world without your support! Other animals such as cats and dogs are also good at keeping themselves clean, but because they carry fur, its much easier for dirt to be trapped underneath all of it along with the risk of it becoming matted up as well. This is one way to tell if you have a male or female gecko. This is fairly common, and licking is a good way to resolve this issue. into internal organs or under the skin) if not caught early and treated appropriately. Although that sounds nasty, its something that they do quite often and is expected behavior to see after theyve just had a bowel movement. Constipation can be a common problem in elderly geckos. As with most reptiles, one of the most popular enclosures are glass aquariums. A geckos vent is basically its genital area, where geckos pass fecal and reproductive matter. Juvenile leopard geckos need to be fed several crickets every day. It is my hope that this care sheet has given you the knowledge and confidence to properly care for your new Leopard Gecko. 3 . Keep in mind the vent area is very sensitive, so the gecko will especially want to remove the dead skin from this area. Any help to diagnose this problem will be much appreciated. In addition to shedding, geckoes will lick around their vent to clean it either during or right after shedding their skin. You are using an out of date browser. A subreddit dedicated to love of leopard geckos. Are They Fertile. My leopard gecko has stopped eating and has swollen . Vet. Hello, my leopard gecko is about 2.5yrs old and female I believe (though I refer to him as a he as I was originally told male). JavaScript is disabled. It also looks like he has some swelling (more right than left) in the vent and possibly involving the hemipenes (the inverted intromittent organs used for reproduction. If it bothers you, just look away when theyre doing it and give them some privacy while they clean themselves! Here are some other times theyll lick it. Depending on the age and the size of your leopard gecko, you may expect to spend anywhere from $15 to $30 per month to feed your pet a variety of crickets, worms, and appropriate supplements. Leopard geckos dont mess around when it comes to claiming whats theirs and they also like it to be known when theyre ready to mate. These little lizards are prone to gulping down substrate along with their meal, which can potentially cause an impaction. What is a vent, exactly? Any condition that disrupts the normal protective barriers of cloacal tissues can allow an infection to set in. From proper husbandry and habitat guidance, to articles on health concerns, diet, and extensive care guides, Reptile Guide is here to educate everyone on all things reptiles. First, 97F is way too high. The leopard gecko tail is literally fat storage which serves as an energy reserve they can live off of if there is not an available food supply. Should You Be Worried If Your Gecko Licks Their Vent? As an Amazon associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Use gut-loaded Needs to be CAREFULLY corrected by a vet (such a sensitive area) make sure you trust your vet and depending on how intense the treatment gets I hope he doesn't drop his tail in the process. Leopard geckos lick their vents for all sorts of reasons, and most of them are totally normal and no cause for alarm. If the eyelid skin is retained, your pet can have vision issues. As your gecko becomes older, you can stretch out feedings to every other day. Similar to Bearded Dragons, Metabolic bone disease (MBD) causes painful spine and limb deformities. Discover exactly how to properly do this and more by reading below! If your under tank heater does not provide enough warmth to meet the basking temperature requirement, you can use a heat lamp to provide both a basking area and light. However if you're worried get him looked at, especially since he'll need a parasite check. The new tail will begin to grow in a few days, taking about three to four months to fully regrow. males will rub rub their body against the substrate to spread their scent and as for the swollen vent im not sure =/. These cute little lizards are excellent beginner pets, and also make ideal companions for breeding reptile enthusiasts to produce rare color morphs. Generally geckos lick their vents for reasons unrelated to eating (see above) so it may be that you are observing your gecko more while eating. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Vent licking is part of this grooming regimen. If a stone is present within the cloaca it must be removed for the infection to resolve. Leopard Gecko Handling & Bonding Takeaways: Dont be surprised if initially your new Leo acts shy and aloof. Sorry, forgot to say, yeah I have a probe thermostat to keep an eye on the temps but I don't have an actual like.temperature adjuster thing for the heat pad, http://imgur.com/v266PKe Here is the swollen bulge, with the two white dots on it. Could you guys give me your opinion on if it looks swollen? However, since leopard geckos are nocturnal. You can take your leopard gecko to a vet and they can put some topical ointment on them or give them some antibiotics. Posted by 5 years ago Gecko has two weird swollen lumps under vent/near tail Hello, so I this is going to sound weird but I found a leopard gecko in my garage a few days ago. ReptileJam.com also participates in other affiliate programs and may be compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. Make sure you keep your geckos tank clean to prevent any type of infection. Is it normal for a leopard gecko to lick it's vent "private area" my leopard gecko does it everyday. The reason for this is that the vent is where their waste comes out of, so if that gets plugged up from something that's hard to pass, then swelling could occur and as a result, your leopard gecko might start licking due to irritation and hopes that they can clear out the area. Most geckos reach sexual maturity at around six to eight months old, so babies and juveniles arent mature enough to secrete the substance yet. It also had two white dots that I've never noticed before. Cloacal infections can spread to other regions of the body (e.g. Can you post a good clear photo of the vent area? Veterinarian. Many owners choose to start their baby and juvenile Geckos in the same 20-gallon tank adults use. A subreddit dedicated to love of leopard geckos. signs of a healthy animal n Active and alert n Clear eyes Body and tail are filled out n Healthy skin nClear nose and vent nfeeding Eats regularly diet A well-balanced leopard gecko diet consists of: n Insects, including crickets, small mealworms and waxworms. To choose appropriately sized insects for your lizard, choose food items that are no longer than the length of your geckos head. Her diet is mostly meal worms and wax worms. This structure is called the cloaca or vent. Hi I got a 5 year old female leopard gecko and it seems the right side of her vent is swollen up a bit. Best place to buy a healthy Leopard Gecko (plus what to look for! Visit our Location 870 W. Onstott Rd. Luckily, its not hard to get off and can usually be removed by simply peeling it off or wiping it off with a cotton swab lightly soaked in warm water. Typically, they will gradually secrete the waxy material from their pores and walk around their enclosure, rubbing their legs and vent on any surface they find to spread their scent. Yes, I know leopard geckos are not native to my area (South Florida). It's possible he has parasites if he was outside. What Colors And Why Explained. Fortunately, you can help prevent them from suffering from a weakened immune system and becoming sick by ensuring their diet and habitat are on point. However, since leopard geckos are nocturnal, you may need to use an infrared heat lamp to provide proper heat without disturbing natural behavior. Want more info before heading to the vet? There are a LOT of causes for blood coming from the cloaca, and youre going to need help with both diagnosing what the problem is and how to treat it. Over time, your leopard gecko will bond with you and greet you with a series of chirps and squeaks, grinning up at you for attention and a meal. Give us a Call (530) 674-2803. Besides coming in a variety of color morphs, leopard geckos can derive from bloodlines that grant a larger size. Its a hobby and a passion. What causes this and how can we fix it? The main reason leopard geckos lick their vents is to clean themselves, either after shedding or defecating. Picture included in comments because I'm on mobile. If necessary, adult leopard geckos can skip several days between feedings, but most gecko owners offer a meal every other day. The other one looks slightly smaller than this bulge does. With hundreds of articles on everything pertaining to lizards, turtles, and snakes, our experienced team provides reliable and accurate content you can trust. From the picture they look normal. Without the proper sanitary steps, you run the risk of catching the strain and although you may only be sick for a couple of days, its not something that you necessarily want to experience. If your gecko has become constipated or impacted, they will often lick their vent to ease their pain or lubricate the area and help them defecate. While the cool hide is not crucial, it is nice to offer a place for your lizard to seek shelter and cool down if needed. Other than this, though, vent licking is to be expected if you own a leopard gecko, whether theyre male or female. Try rinsing the eye with a sterile, preservative-free saline eye rinse while you gently restrain your gecko. While looking revolting at times, this is also just another normal part of owning a gecko. You may want to try and see if the licking occurs primarily after your gecko has visited its defecation spot. Learn more about this on our affiliate disclosure. This seems to be a ritual shared by leopard geckos. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. OddlyCutePets is not a veterinary website, nor is the author Wesley Oaks a veterinarian. When you login first time using a Social Login button, we collect your account public profile information shared by Social Login provider, based on your privacy settings. . Sorry, I copied and pasted that from my last post-- I moved his tank and rearranged some stuff and now he's at a steady 95. The most common health issues in leopard geckos are caused by improper temperature and humidity levels, and inadequate nutrition from a poor diet. The moist hide. Remember to gut-load and dust your feeder insects with calcium and vitamin supplements. It's hard as a rock. I don't know of any good gecko vets. A common consequence of poor diet is hepatic lipidosis. Wherever you choose to purchase your leopard gecko, check your new pet over carefully for any signs of health issues first. If the lump is abnormally large though, it could be something more serious. Leopard geckos are commonly a mixture of yellow and white and are spotted with black dots. Press J to jump to the feed. What Youll Learn In This Leopard Gecko Care Sheet: Whether youre experienced in reptile care, or if a leopard gecko will be your first reptilian pet, this in-depth care guide is packed full of helpful tips to ensure your lizard companion is happy, healthy for years to come. Additionally, female geckos will often lick their vents after laying a clutch of eggs to ease pain and clean their vent of any leftover secretions. In the wild, this would signal to nearby female geckos they are looking for a partner and are ready to mate, but many captive geckos will do it, too. Hello! Thankfully, most of the reasons why your gecko engages in this admittedly gross-looking behavior are entirely normal. You can use a magnifying glass and bright light to look at young leopard gecko's vent when it reaches 4-5 months old, but experts can try doing it at the age of 2 months. a daily soak in a solution of 50/50 warm water and plain Pedialyte for 20 mins. Leopard Gecko Diet Key Takeaways: Leos are insectivores which means their diet consists of a mixture of succulent worms and crickets. These insects are then fed to your pet who ultimately ingests the nourishing mixture. If the problem persists and your gecko is very uncomfortable and doesnt poop, its probably a good idea to take them to a vet. In rarer cases, geckos will lick their vent to ease impaction pain. In addition to dusting your lizards food with a calcium and vitamin D3 supplement, keep a small dish full of a calcium supplement (with or without the vitamin D3 supplement). It may not display this or other websites correctly. Home Lizards Leopard Geckos 5 Reasons Why Your Leopard Gecko Is Licking Its Vent. Whatever enclosure type you choose, be sure to use a screen top, which will help keep your geckos habitat at the ideal humidity level by allowing evaporation. Youll feel crummy, sluggish, and very ill. On top of that, if its spread to people with weaker immune systems such as children or the elderly, then the severity of the symptoms could be much worse than those with stronger immune systems and they may even need to seek professional help in order to safely get over it as their bodies arent as good at fighting off viruses and diseases as easily as those who do, in fact, have stronger immune systems. Leopard Gecko General Health Key Takeaways: Like all reptile species, Leopard Geckos are susceptible to a variety of health concerns. Treatment of the cloacal infection itself can include the surgical removal of damaged tissues, cleaning the affected area with an antiseptic, applying a topical antibiotic ointment, and oral or injectable antibiotics. Because taking care of them for the vast majority of my life wasnt fulfilling enough, I decided to begin educating others about them through my articles. Like other lizards, leopard geckos that are undernourished or live in a cage with insufficient moisture may develop dysecdysis. Especially since you found him outside. While your leopard geckos hides provide most of the necessary security needed for resting and shedding skin, Lastly, always include elements for enrichment and, Progressive weight loss due to spongy jaw and inability to eat, Dysecdysis, which looks like dry skin, causes the gecko to have. 5 Reasons Why Your Leopard Gecko Is Licking Its Vent, Also, many owners dont know this, but leopard geckos along with other commonly owned pets carry salmonella in their guts. Also, be sure to avoid wood shaving for your geckos habitat, since the oils found in shavings can be irritating. Look her over for any unusual redness, swelling or discharge. While not as colorful as some reptiles, leopard geckos can appear in a few different patterned morphs or variations. So instantly you see this, take them to the veterinarian for correct medical diagnosis and treatment. Babies tend to shed more often, or every couple of weeks or so, since they grow very quickly during this stage of life, while juveniles and adults shed less frequently as they age. Florida has some native gecko species that could look like a malnourished leopard gecko. Adults can be fed 6-7 large crickets or mealworms 2 to 3 times a week. The cool hide. Try to note other times the gecko is licking his vent to determine the cause. Keep in mind that, like chickens, female geckos lay eggs whether they have mated or not. Some of the possibilities include vitamin A deficiency, egg laying/egg bound (Leos can lay eggs without mating), prolapse of the reproductive tract/GI tract, impaction, a bacterial infection, and cryptosporidium. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. However, these rare color morphs can cost you well over 0. He looks really skinny and I think feeding him waxworms along with mealworms could really help him gain weight. However, abnormal reasons can include infection and impactionwhich need to be checked out right away. If you currently have two or more leopard geckos together in one tank and you dont want them to mate or fight, I suggest getting a separate tank so that you dont run the risk of either of these two things happening. The leopard gecko is a popular beginner's reptile because it's easy to handle and requires minimal care compared to many other lizards. They are almost as hard (or better not at all) to handle as Tokay Geckos or Giant Day Geckos. read more On ReptileJam.com we have a deep passion and interest for all kinds of reptiles. Hope everything turns out good for Stevie! Any help on keeping him is appreciated. They can provide routine health checks and prevent any major diseases so you can have a long relationship with your leopard gecko. Pro Tip: One key tip to remember about caring for your leopard gecko is to ensure you provide a moist hide. Breeders also offer much more unique and wider color morph variations than what you can find at pet stores. As one of the most popular reptilian pets, leopard geckos are readily available at pet stores, but its always best to purchase geckos from a reputable breeder. My leopard gecko is approx 1.5 - 2 yrs old and his name is Steve. from Amazon. You can play it safe and completely eliminate sand and other loose substrates from your lizards habitat, since sand ingestion can lead to an intestinal blockage, which can require surgery to remove. A general rule of thumb for feeding your leopard gecko is to. Leopard Geckos are small, ground-dwelling lizards that hail from the Middle East and India. Their quirky smiles will make you burst into a laugh! absorbent and easy to change, minimizing the chance for bacterial contamination. Leopard Gecko Medical Needs. Just like humans, geckos become ill if they dont get enough calcium and vitamin D in their diets. Once your pet is done eating, simply place your gecko back in the regular enclosure. Leopard geckos generally do not bite and are slow-moving, which makes them an ideal pet for the beginner reptile enthusiast. You may also see males lick their vents to clear out any semen that has dried and plugged up the semen ducts. Why And How? If youre breeding geckos, you can feed a breeding female a tiny pinky mouse for additional calories and fat, but these food items are best avoided in pet geckos, since they can rapidly become obese if fed too many. So while it looks revolting, its normal, and a lot more common than you probably imagined. Seeing as leopard geckos are very clean animals by nature, this reason for why they lick their vents isnt surprising. The swelling is a little bit red and the is an extremely small dot of orange on one side of the swelling (its about the size of this period . Captive-bred leopard geckos can be found in pet stores, at reptile shows, and online through breeder websites. While impaction is common and a lot of the times treatable with the proper steps, it can turn into something a lot more serious if it goes unnoticed and can even claim the life of your gecko. If your under tank heater does not provide enough warmth to meet the basking temperature requirement, you can use a heat lamp to provide both a basking area and light. Sexually mature male geckos will often secrete a liquid or wax-like substance from the tiny pores surrounding their vent to mark their territory. Like many reptiles, male leopard geckos have hemipenes, or two penises, which are stored inside their vent until it is time to mate. And it's building up again? Captive-bred leopard geckos can be found in pet stores. On average, these geckos can range in cost from as little as to over 0 for the rare and highly desirable color morphs. This will relax your gecko and allow your vet to work more quickly without accidentally damaging the animal's eye. The most basic and common reason for a gecko licking its vents is just general cleanliness. If you're interested in owning leopard geckos or want to better your care, you should check out our guides or our discord server, https://discord.gg/leos, Press J to jump to the feed. The one on the left came out but the other was stuck and his hemipene came out. Remember to gut-load and dust your feeder insects with calcium and vitamin supplements. Part of the gecko cleaning process is licking after defecation. Do Crested Geckos Sleep With Eyes Open? These lizards are prone to snatching up their substrate, particularly sand, if fed in their usual habitat. She just recently pooped and it looked normal. Remember, other animals as cats and dogs do it, too! We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Your gecko will likely not require any additional help or intervention from you or your vet; just leave them be and let them do their thing. These lizards are typically found in rocky, grassland, and desert areas. Also, many owners dont know this, but leopard geckos along with other commonly owned pets carry salmonella in their guts. In rarer cases, geckos will lick their vent to ease impaction pain. Normally, hatchlings measure 3 to 4 inches long, while adult females are 7 to 8 inches, and males are 8 to 10 inches. To prevent impaction, avoid using loose substrates around their feeding area and only give them feeder insects smaller than the width of the space between their eyes. Gulping down substrate along with mealworms could leopard gecko swollen vent help him gain weight an account for you in our website Tip... To try and see if the lump is abnormally large though, it could be something serious! N'T know of any good gecko vets diseases so you can find pet... 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