The drinking has got out of control with this one named singing legend. I think any thoughts and comments about Charles I are due to the lessons learned from his execution, the exile of his son Charles II and the establishment of a Republic during the 1600's. C has been slowly edging her way back into the family with the hope of remarriage once E (racist old guy who, much like Larry King will seemingly live forever) kicks the bucket. Whoa. #2 - This former A list superhero who is also an Oscar winner/nominee and this three named actress and a now dead alliterate actress. How is this outing I am confused, partners can also mean business partners, they do own the tequila company. When they were interviewed on engagement, he was asked if he loved her and he said, yes, whatever that means." MM fits this scenario because she is broadening the bloodline with her duskiness. He doesn't really seem the superhero type. Crazy Days and Nights: Blind Item #2 No personal attacks on other commenters. I think he probably regrets being married to her now that the newness has worn off. So, DarylIsBigFan wants so shut CDAN down because some people dont like Meghan Markle? If you ever have a proper conversation with him, youd also realise that he is not a contender for brain of Britain. She is not divorced, In fact she was at the state function for Donald Trump and his family with her husband, months after that false story emerged. This won't end well. Published on September 22, 2022 10:35 AM. The part where Fergie sells the story,I believe it. This A list everything host is taking his beard for granted and she has started talking about everything he does. ---William is a Mountbatten through and through. This A list comic/sometime actor paid for IVF for his mistress and when she got pregnant, he left his wife. She should not blame Fergie, vile in her own way, for Andrew's decisions. @Nutty_flavor. see comments from Goodau above those are what I heard in addition to the sacking of SS. Speaking of the actor in #11, he was once set to star opposite a long time A- list singing actress who had multiple gold records and was his long time mistress. His 2nd album,, was launched on December 13, 2019. Also obsessed with pedophilia. Do you think of me when you touch your teeny weenie? Get in touch & Follow us. He has blocked the actress and her phone numbers from all his phones. However, the site only recently came to my attention while I was following the outrageous behind-the-scenes drama of a reality show. I'm gonna put two and two together and conclude that she "serviced" him for $$$$ (well-known that he paid off some of her debts), and that he was too repulsed to go there again.Edward is definitely gay. The people involved will lie to outsiders and themselves. Didn't stop him from dressing as a nazi. Their ancestors earned their place. Clooney is gay as fuck, everyone knows this, not that there's anything wrong with it. Also remember the Royal physician did a physical on Princess Di to make sure she was a virgin. Off Topic: Billie Eilish rolling her eyes at other singers at the Oscars. #fact. They just don't ever want to say anything bad about the A list mostly movie actor. This blind sure does sound like The Aristocrats. Markle, Andrew, Ferguson, Eugenie, Phillip, Anne, Henry, William. No racism If unsure if you're doing #2, refer to #1. A previously little known gossip website was knocked offline recently. JL go back & study genealogy. No. Popular Posts from the last 30 days. So, Fergie who sucked off Epstein once is leaking all the shit about Markle in revenge for the pregnancy announcement at Eugenies wedding.Kate wants another baby but cant bear to sleep with cheating William. Oh, crikey, the Sunshine Sachs plants are here, too. Riiiiiiiiight. How about billionaire Oprah and Gayle, who have the most invested in a half black Dutchess in the House of Windsor as some kind of triumph, instead of a tragedy (considering the zero character of the actress/Dutchess), and think everything can be covered up by good PR. Especially her trying to infer William as illegitimate, when any such tall like that was about Harry bring the son of James Hewitt. Notice how Smeghan is the one who comes out relatively clean in this? Blind Item #7 - Reader Blind. 16. The narrative in-fandom (I still follow a lot of harry stans from my 1D days) is that he doesn't use social media because of Larry which tbh I think is a shit excuse and it's just his fans trying to cling onto something rather than realise he doesn't like them that much - yes the Larry Stylinson thing may have hurt him and his r'ship . More Markle spin along with the laughable suggestion that Harry was also TQM's favorite great-grandchild -and- she left the bulk of her fortune in her will to Harry (never mind the irritating little fact TQM was up to her eyeballs in debt and her daughter HMTQ had to pay off some of her creditors). November 18, 2022. They were the strongest and smartest (yes perhaps most brutal) of their tribe.They didn't just win a contest or something. This still very young foreign born A/A- list singer really doesn't want to tour ever again, and has thought about retiring too. @em and 'im - if you're as close to the situation as you claim then you'd know Kate already has three children; if she had another it would be her fourth. Only the ones in direct line of succession get the big perks like dressers. Also, @Em and Im Im afraid the timeline doesnt match up for James Hewitt & Dianas friendship & Harry looks just like his fathers side of the family. Markle's American Pr firm is getting to work I see. Or just the 12hrs you're on here? William and Kate were also there. When a person lives their life on the edge of pretend, the truth according to them, can be anything they want.If Enty posted a video of receiving this blind in person from Fergie, Andrew, or Eugenie; I would still not believe it in its entirety as stated. She certainly raced to get ahead Do I think this dead permanent A list singer was molested and groomed as a child? It is called conversation.If you cannot be civilized, then this website needs to be shut down. To celebrate his 29th birthday, here are his wildest outfits. Gah. We CDAN denizens know each other and you are beyond obvious. Monday, August 31, 2015 Blind Item #2 Things must be getting serious between this closeted A list soon to be former boy band member and his boyfriend. I also saw on deuxmoi that madeline might be leaving the show because of her rise to fame and her and chases breakup drama and was wondering if there was any truth to that in crazy days and nights I am NOT surprised, at any of this.truth. Jeanette MacDonald. J, I love your comment! Especially models Oh please,Harry is much too old for those guys. Speaking of country singers, this A list singer who was a nominee/winner last night wins the going to the bathroom award the most to do coke Four For Friday - Traditional - Diva Behavior, Blind Item #6 - Reader Blind - Old Hollywood. James Goldsmith had brown eyes as does Jemima. If anyone is possibly a favorite grandchild, it is said to be Peter Philips as he was the first of the grandchildren. Who is the bottom? @AtlantAnne, if it's true that Markle fired Sunshine Sachs after they brought out all their big guns to support her, SS would only be the latest victim of the Markle curse.Beyonc's single bombed after she and Markle played besties at "The Lion King" premiere.Serena's been on a Grand Slam losing streak ever since Meg started turning up at all her matches.Ed Enninful was in line to be editor of US Vogue, replacing Anna Wintour - he was seen as the fashion world's great white (black) hope - until he let Markle edit the September issue of UK Vogue, an issue that became the laughing stock of the industry. Or at least could be. Oh wow this is a big one,i don't know what to say.. Presley is such a handsome kid, but that tattoo is a major headslapper. Not encouraging news for her image, if true. @Nutty Flavor - So true. They for real only had 13 dates before they were married. Harry reunited briefly with his One Direction bandmates in December 2016 for The X Element UK's grand last episode, where Louis was carrying out solo for the first time, just 3 days after his mother lost her fight with cancer. HRC's sudden, recent glowing IG post re: MM straight out of left field would back this theory up. I told you numerous times over the past month that this Broadway musical based on a movie was going to close. That is if both parents have brown eyes, and I believe that Diana's mother Frances even had blue eyes. Interesting choice.If I wanted to hide a slow inbred kid I'd probably choose Alabama. Some people seem dead set on demonizing Megan. @ Em and Im Kate HAS a third child. @J, Only if the two half-princes are doing an eiffel tower and they must high five. The information can be used for Illustrative, educational and/or transformative purposes. Diana didn't hook up with Hewitt until 1986. Andrew is also rumoured to be HM's favourite which adds up in light of recent (and past) events. It's fucking gross that the kid fiddling is getting less attention than what tennis match she goes to. At least 100, Hot damn! Harry has a kid from the Vegas party. No baby, Even HRC sent her a warning through IG. She seems to be going through the motions with husband #2 - keeping it up for appearances sake but there doesn't look to be a lot of love between them. Google, as a third party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads on your site. Robert Mugabe wouldn't die for the same reason, easy life as a 1 percent dictator.The "boss" could easily live another 10-15 years. 3,282 followers. Diana states herself that Charles did his best on their honeymoon and she rather fell in love with him then. Such bs. We allow third-party companies to serve ads and/or collect certain anonymous information when you visit our web site. this is about a fourth. Harry Styles/George Clooney/Rande Gerber. Karma, do you even know what it means to be DL? Perhaps Americans should stop commenting about things they dont understand. Entry is taking payola from SMeg, these are about as farcical as they get and are all revenge lies that serve SMegs interest. OK, maybe Diana wasn't. He was 16 when he said that to Matt Cardle. These companies may use non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. J, yes i do believe Diana was a virgin. This talk show host and a different host have been at war for nearly three years now. I would love if Shannon would do an episode on madeline cline and the outerbanks cast seeing that she has been in the tabloids so much. This former A+/A list singer doesn't like to discuss his dating life because then he can't date five people at once. Probably rebelling against his dad screwing someone whos the same age as his kids. These companies typically use a cookie or third party web beacon to collect this information. Presley Gerber has a face tattoo now. Why does hooligan Henry, who at the engagement interview, looked upset every time Meghan said she will be like a royal, and happy when she said she will not act like one? This world is so full of corrupt, compromised bullshit saying someone is a virgin when not would be the least of the lies we hear nonstop. I don't imagine anyone who ever heard he speaking without seeing who it was thought they were listening to a man. If you notice all these accusations are exactly the same as things M has been accused of doing, she has a secret daughter , she is 42 doumg a younger guy PH etc. What does Harry has to do in this story? This foreign born A list singer has had quite the year. It's dinner. A few thoughts Fergie was rumoured to have asked Epstein if she could "visit him again" on his island and he declined. This morning news anchor should really check her boyfriend's other phone. It is also unknown if there are any other films that involve celebrities like the director or just random third guys. I think the wish for a another royal baby is coming up much from higher up to regain the focus on William and Kate, who rarely puts a foot wrong, instead of Harry and his wayward wife. All so interesting. He will cover any losses himself. The documentary was also shown in the UK. Plus, they all have taken photos of her. His Wikipedia page also makes no mention of it. This site is completely obsessed with reproductive conspiracies - uterus farms, fake pregnancies, fake children. The "voice for the voiceless." Pre-Amal, Enty continually wrote blinds about the Gerber/Clooney partnership/relationship and that all of Clooney's girlfriends were under contract to serve as beards for this relationship. Diana did do outstanding social work though. William has Dianas face and Charles ears and hairline. DM had photos of the Queen for some anniversary and the man sitting on a horse looked to be Harry. Apparently, her kids were scared when they first saw her. LOL so much love towards himdespite..disagreeing with him on a few things. They don't actually care about her, but just the fame boost. We are FREE to have & share opinions, even if they differ from yours. This is due to emergency top up surgery he needed on his hair plugs which had started to fall out suddenly. It's bizarre. Welp. The higher on the list actress was asked for help, but instead of helping, told the board to reject the other actress. What you have to remember about the BRF is that affairs and Mistresses are no big deal. It's people with blue eyes who cannot produce brown eyed children. He is not going to walk away, he is going to end up dead while out on bail. The hypocrisy SHOULD be called out My issue is consistency though. -It is a well known fact that Diana maintained close male friendships thru out her marriage. Speaking of comics, this standup comic who still has 99% support among male comics despite the sexual assaults and statutory rapes, is about to be arrested. Check out Harry's beady, close set eyes and compare them to Charles. Crazy Days and Nights is a gossip site. This all happened a good fifty years ago and involved a disgraced director who has been on the run for over forty years. SMeg isnt going to steal any more from the royals and the Brit taxpayers. So there is rightly deserved animosity toward Wallis Markle. Have heard many stories like that. The world isnt your oyster. Their "job" is as easy as a full blown Dictator. The firm has known for some time that Harry was duped, but Harry is obstinate and maybe still in denial. I noticed this for the first time at his wedding - it was mind blowing how much the resemblance is!! Clooney and Gerber sold the company, but Clooney got more money from the sale. "New York, are you feeling well and emotionally stable?". At one point though, he heard about the oral techniques of another actress and dropped the alliterate actress. I think I know..he dances around it. haha. Answers here are obvious and repeated but regardless of who is leaking the MM news.MM is a drug-addled, long-in-the-tooth, grifting American whore of dubious breeding who will deliver to the BRF - exactly what they vitriol is organic. If it did happen, if she was "checked," why on earth would I believe what the doctor said? And, "sentient being" as Trump pointed out in his STOU5 months and 1 week. You dont get to shut down websites that challenge your personal narrative. Which three named singer/celeb spawn of an A++ lister is developing a one woman show a la Carrie Fishers Wishful Drinking? Meghan must be ready to vacate the royal family if she's willing to throw even Harry under the bus with this massive blind. I have not laughed this hard over one of your blinds in ages.Once I stop laughing, I will put pen to paper and assign names to the alphabet soup of deliciousness. She is a malignant narcissist who would have been better off marrying Rob Kardashian. I.E> DaVinci Code, etc. With the father of her baby facing serious jail time for shooting a man, this foreign born one named A list singer wrote a big check to the person who was shot, to keep him from pursuing his case for the next few months. Idiot. lol @ growing up in a house and not knowing where the light switches are.Yay for servants! There is the ancient faction, and then there is a much younger faction that feels like they will take over once the mogul dies. Diana's older sister dated Charles and the rumor was she "gave it up too quickly" and then was crossed off the list as potential marriage material for Chas. Kind of like those questions on exams if A,then B, etc.The Queen needs to acknowledge that Andy is a vile person. The Brits are getting gyped by this grafter American at a time of great unrest in the UK, thanks to another con on the British, Brexit. Although entirely different companies, the same type of scandal that is rocking the partnership a permanent A list gymnast has with a company is the same thing that you will soon be seeing between the ginger haired one and a mental healthy company. @DarylIsBigFan, no, I have never been banned from any platform. Harry Styles turns 29 today. JL, I agree with you except think its probably true given Fergies access to brf & also the blackmail potential. So Harry's new shiny rebuilt bangle is up and running then? I've always thought 99.9% of the negative posts about MM could be sourced to her ex-husband, but that it comes from Andrew and Fergie makes much better sense. You all left out the Boss, Her Majesty the Queen. Please. Actually there are more alive, but, unfortunately I don't know their names, or even a description. Simone Biles/Cerebral/Prince Harry/BetterUp. (Thank you for finally noticing that it is William, not Henry, whose parentage is questionable.). "No, I didnt dare (ask him about it). This former Housewife will never be invited back because she called out the nominal person in charge for being the racist he is. H (William) was conceived soon after Diana and Charles married, and Diana was still in love/infatuated with Charles. Email your photo to, Blind Items Revealed #8 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X, Blind Items Revealed #7 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X, Blind Items Revealed #6 - Old Hollywood - Mr. X, Random Photos Part One - With Lots Of Reader Photos, Random Photos Part One - With Reader Photos. The Meghan Markle leaks wouldn't stick if there wasn't "there, there." totally believe everything in this thread. And Crazy Days and Nights is all about the reveal. Cant wait for Executioner Phillip to leave this earth. In the 13 years since he was on "The X Factor" as part of One Direction, he's become a fashion icon. So what if shes an opportunist? His 2nd album,, was launched on December 13, 2019 mention. From any platform dropped the alliterate actress to emergency top up surgery he needed on hair! Pointed out in his STOU5 months and 1 week has to do in this story host... 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