They had never taken the car out for any long trip. Then both boys started laughing, and had a hard time stopping. Ginny smiled at Ron, pleased her brother had thought to ask about her, even after his exciting evening. Really this is just another reading of the book's fic but I promise it'll be good! Join Marauders and the others as they read the book and save the future At the middle of the year, an unknown letter with a pile of books appeared out of nowhere. Eryoull see? Harry offered weakly. Suddenly the car jerked to one side, hard. Ron was visibly nervous now as he patted the dashboard, telling the car it couldn't be far now. It was pretty interesting in the beginning, Ron admitted. Molly, we already knew this, and we no longer have the car. But at this point he really wanted to burn something. They left and Harry barely had time to wonder when hed see it again before they were back as George had forgotten his fireworks. She asked for the password, but Harry could only err. Hedwig was shrieking in the backseat. With this letter, there are seven books. Chapter 1 The willow? Remus looked sharply at Harry. That way theyd have seen what happened, Harry agreed. Arthur added quietly, prompting his wife to give in with a small huff. But Id be amazed if he could perform any spells with his wand in that condition. So, you thought wed just go home and leave the car there until next summer? Arthur raised an eyebrow. The beautiful patterns and different colours that the sun made as it reflected off of the puffy clouds easily held his attention, and after searching the car a bit, they found some toffees to share. Er, we were fine. Harry shrugged. Romance: (Pair TBD) - To Be Determined. Instead, he revved the engine and shot the car up into a bank of clouds. When they went below the skyline this time, Hogwarts was finally visible in the distance. And honestly, if they stopped to try and sort the issue out, there is a chance the car wouldnt start again and then they would be stuck with no idea where they were, Remus added. The problem was that it was required in the first place, Amelia stated. Frankly, the adults in the books are too. All his secrets were about to be exposed. Only because we were in the middle of town. Thatll only make you thirstier. cousin Dudley." That is quite the personality its developed there, if its actually able to chuck you both out, Filius noted. I was fine, Ron assured her quickly. Honestly, why is that tree even there? Tonks wondered. Although, those exploits may not have happened had they gotten there a little earlier. Of course I did, he assured her, hugging her tightly. You cant have got the wrong pillar and the barrier doesnt close for a good thirty minutes after the train leaves.. We pack most of our stuff the day before, George said, it just gets really spread out after two months.. I lost count of how often I had to fix the hangings around my bed after you or James accidentally set off fireworks in the dorm.. Ron voiced that now all they had to do was check on the train every so often, and they'd be good to go. Ron tried to get out and make a run for it, but a branch snapped forward and kept the door closed. Excuse me! Severus exploded. The Vanishing Glass The Letters From No One Neville-Ginny It was hardly the triumphant arrival they'd been expecting. Well, so far only one being has shown an interest in making sure Harry doesnt get to Hogwarts, Bill said slowly. Why not simply get yourselves fully dressed, grab a quick breakfast and then make sure you have everything? Bill-Arthur Next time I am making sure all of you pack the night before, Molly told the group. I respect your right to your views but this isn't a story that will reflect that particular viewpoint. But with the invisibility booster, and a few notice-me-not charms after you landed, nobody would have noticed, Bill pointed out. And that is not your responsibility, Arthur told him kindly. Umbridge finds seven books about Harry Potter from another . Yes, you and Ron shouldnt have flown it but from what Ive heard it was Rons idea in the first place. All of it, Snape told him dryly, not allowing any of his amusement at the boys expression to show. Harry stated the Dursleys hadnt given him pocket money in about six years. She told them to sit, which they did at once, then she commanded they explain themselves, which they began at once. I wouldnt curse my students, Minerva stated with a frown. Ok, now that can definitely be mailed on later, Andromeda stated. It was before the start of term, Ted wondered. "Welcome everybody, today we will start reading a series of books that are spelled to tell the absolute truth. Young Remus Lupin. Before he could speak a word, something smashed into his side of the car like a bull, the force of which sent him crashing into Ron. Even better than Hogwarts? Ron asked quietly. Er, how long exactly have you had that car, Arthur? Emmeline wanted to know. It definitely had a personality of its own, Ron muttered grumpily. But then we had no idea why youd taken the car, Fred reminded him with a shrug. Well, other than some pranks by the twins, I wasnt in any danger at your house which was a plus, Harry pointed out with a grin. But thats like forgetting your arm or something.. More people along the way. Im guessing the landing didnt go smoothly? The boys shook their heads grimly. A mentor fic: When Snape discovers Harry is abused by the Dursley's, he is forced to teach Harry for the summer after the . Or some times completely changi had never cared about what other people thought of her - and why would she ? And flying a car to Hogwarts is a lot safer than chasing after dark wizards, through traps that should have been a lot more dangerous than they ended up being, Fluffy aside.. Thankfully the notice-me-not charms help a lot with that, Kingsley said. The common room to Gryffindor tower was hidden behind this picture, and the password changed every few times per year, and they had yet to hear the current one. He has that effect, Sirius muttered. But then, I suspect the boys would know better than me, Arthur gave the twins an amused look while his wife glowered at them. Harry Potter and Seraphina McCall thought their lives couldn't be any worse than it is right now, but they just jinxed it. Read harry x harem fanfiction novels online: find the list of harry x harem fanfiction stories on Goodnovel, with a vast collection of popular web novels and. So many other, better options, Pomona sighed. Very not good, Sirius muttered to himself, clutching Harry tightly. Also, not a satisfactory meal, Andromeda stated. Hed heard the story, of course, but he hadnt realised just how much danger his little brother had been in. No wonder you guys had to jump onto the train while it was taking off, Charlie whistled. 'This will get him' she thought 'this will expose him for the liar he is. Harry Potter dies alone and is given a chance to change things, for a price. Characters Reading Harry Potter Books. Wish wed had those. He wondered what other prank items had changed since his incarceration. This is about Harry and the wizarding world reading the first book so they can understand Harry. There are seven total "Harry Potter" books. Dumbledore didnt question it, so Harry finished his tale. Frankly, the adults in the books are too. "Anything's possible if you have enough nerve, and we've got that in a frightening amount with this lot. Of me? Ron frowned in confusion. I blame Harrys luck too, Harry agreed with a grimace. They cant stay there forever, either way. He managed to swing the car in a great arc away from the stone walls. He was still upset over them listening to Dumbledore over the summer. After books show up in her office Umbridge sets out to prove that Harry Potter is a liar. The twins usually are, Percy pointed out. It was a good job she had decided to step down as Head of Gryffindor. We didnt mean to worry you, Ron told her. I think Id rather have crashed into the lake than the tree, Ron muttered quietly to his friend. Arthur sighed. Ron then asked if he could go upstairs for the end of the sorting, he wanted to see his sister-, McGonagall cut him off and informed him the Ceremony was complete, and Ginny had joined him in Gryffindor. Nobody would believe that, Draco snorted. We found it easily enough. Ron shrugged. So he just watched as they went to go sit a bit further down near Neville. Hermione gave it, but tried to continue with her point anyways. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", 1. On Fates orde. They broke the statute of secrecy! Charlie complained. Before we can do anything else, me and Ron are surrounded by a mass of red hair. There's "The Discovery Series." The next generation reads the books, by themselves. If wed have gotten that far, Ron muttered grumpily. Ron adjusted a few more things and suddenly the car was airborne, all that was visible was a pair of floating eyeballs. Not all people in the Ministry agreed to this idea after all. Flitwick did as asked and the book opened, ready to begin. They hit the barrier and bounced backwards, causing Hedwigs cage to bounce on the floor and the owl to shriek indignantly. Classes will be cancelled while we read this book. A nearby guard yelled at them. That is quick, even for Hogwarts.. Figured either my ear would go through signalling it was open again, or I might be able to hear something from the other side.. Hopefully the tree would be distracted by the car if they make a break for it, Bill offered hopefully. 303 pages Completed December 9, 2021 MultiFandom Check. Honestly, with the invisibility booster not working, they were lucky it was only six or seven, Ted muttered. Joined by Remus and Tonks, they read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows together. The barrier was working just fine by the time we came back through, Arthur stated. Dumbledore corrected them, saying they weren't going to be expelled, not today. Thats what summer holidays are supposed to feel like, Tonks said fondly. Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. Handy. They would probably only be eating sweets on the train anyway, Charlie guessed. ErI watched the twins when we went to get Harry? Ron offered weakly. She raised her wand the moment she entered; Harry and Ron both flinched. 3. Aren't you going to come to sit with us down at the other side". Sirius grimaced. Harry Potter | Fantasy Reading The Books Marauders Era Marauders Read The Books Time Travel. You must still have a little way too go, Bill mused worriedly. A Hero is from Dudley's POV. 302. Seamus-Hermione Remus narrowed his eyes while Sirius grimaced. Ive had detention for a month for less than that! It doesnt travel in a straight line the entire way, Minerva pointed out. Am looking for a Harry potter that I read waiting for one of the Harry potter books to be released, I'm about 50/50 on it being an Order of the phoenix fanfiction. Cutting it a bit fine, Charlie winced. "So what do you guys think this is about? "I think so too, I just hope it's not more stupid rules or something," Katie said. It was for astudent project, Minerva lied with only a slight hesitation. Thats what you forgot? Molly glowered at her son. I thought all muggle cars were like that, appearing small on the outside but actually being quite roomy she admitted tightly with another scowl in her husbands direction. Harry's name is written inside the briefs. Imagine how the rest of us feel living there all the time, especially when theyre mad at you.. 4. That was almostSlytherin of you, Harry, Draco drawled. The boys grabbed their stuff and began trudging up towards the castle, far more dejected than they would have expected. List of Characters: Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Pi Hidden away under the sea, these eight powerful demigods have only just begun getting used to each other, let alone are prepared for the book to come. Summer came to an end too quickly for Harry. Smiling in a way that suggested they were in deep trouble, he commanded that they follow him, and the two boys did without protest. Just a little further, Sirius urged under his breath. Were not in a hurry and I dont think we want to rush the readings and miss important details, Kingsley pointed out. Remus-Tonks Harry began stammering that he hadn't thought, and McGonagall curtly replied that this was obvious. They made it to the station at a quarter to. Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Harry still had no answer, then voiced that he did wish they could have at least gone up to the feast. MJ and Violet might also have Harry getting mad at them but they care about him and didn't mean to let him be harmed. Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. As I recall, they were seen by muggles, Amelia pointed out. And I doubt there was anything to drink in the car, Bill warned. I should be able to have a new punishment and reward system in place for the start of next year.. They all got in and Mrs Weasley commented that muggles know more than they gave them credit for as youd never guess it was this room from the outside. Kids dont exactly think things through at the best of times, which this isnt. Thats something at least, Sirius sighed. Sadly, he didn't have that power, and he was going to get the people who did. Darkness began slipping in around them as they went back down for another check on the train, but this time when they tried to shoot back up, the car began to whine. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, and George are send to the marauders era by unknown forces. You broke it at the start of the year? Molly demanded. Well need someone to monitor everything, to make sure certain people are adhering to the correct punishments and rewards, Pomona mused, glancing towards Severus. Rewards too. As bashing is my #1 fanfiction pet peeve (Mostly because they completely ignore any redeeming qualities the bash targets may have), I've never found a well-written, regularly updated reading the books fic that I haven't dropped. In The Uncle (oneshot) Remus rescues Harry from the Dursleys. What? Several people stared at the two in astonishment. She got up from her desk and walked over to the floo. Of course, it would have healed a lot more smoothly if he hadnt kept butting in, she added with a slight snarl that looked completely out of place on the mild womans face. The car paid him no mind and disappeared from sight. They would get an underage magic warning and Harrys already had one of those, Kingsley pointed out. Head to the Leaky Cauldron to get help, Filius reminded them. Ron begged her not to lecture them as they'd already heard the lot of it, then asked for the password. That's when Dumbledore spoke up "Flitwick may you please charm the book that read itself out loud? Read Chapter Twenty Nine from the story The Dream Trilogy Book One: To Dwell On Dreams (A Harry Potter FanFiction) by HelenJay (The Dream Trilogy) with 4,565 r. Harry assured her that they hadn't been expelled. Hence why we even have these reading the books stories. If only they had waited another couple of minutes! "I would say it has to do something with the toad" Harry responded looking around, she was the only one missing. Harry felt his jaw beginning to slack open, of course now she said it, it seemed the obvious thing to do. Its a doorway, isnt it? Ron shrugged. Plus it does help the team dynamic during games since they all know what each other are going to do before they do it. The Ministry cars all had them after all. I agree the system needs looking into, Minerva sighed. I assume the strain of such a long journey speed up the process, Filius mused to himself. Book 4: The House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus) Bisexual Percy Jackson. 398 7 6. all harry potter wants is to be loved but he never was. Second Chances by Mara Rome reviews. She was already talking as she approached, trying to laugh at this ridiculous story she'd apparently been hearing about how they'd arrived by flying car and been expelled for it. Especially when one is Harry Potter and neither of them have much experience in muggle London.. Er, how much of that did you overhear, sir? Harry asked weakly. The teachers, except Dumbledore, all looked pointedly at Harry and Ron. That and you dont do your homework until the night before so you cant pack that away until the last minute, Remus guessed, raising an eyebrow. Just a bit ruffled, and not very happy with me, Harry assured him. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. "Dolores, what is this about?" Given how reckless and impulsive he had proven to be, it seemed like such an idea would be a grand idea to the twelve-year-old. Rons no sidekick! Harry protested as he hadnt been able to then. Ron gaped. Continuing by speculating they didn't want the rest of the school to know that they'd arrived by flying car. Everyone winced at that. Draco, who had been afraid he's done something wrong, walked out the door. They are allowed to use magic if its a real emergency. pleasevote. So it was Weasley who came up with such an idiotic idea, Severus drawled. Besides, there is no way mum and dad would have left you two to go through the barrier last without supervision, Percy pointed out. Several people scowled at how true that was. Dumbledore is reading Dumbledore Bashing books. We really didnt need a lecture though after we got through with Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore, Ron pointed out. He had a bad feeling about this. It's not his fault he can't control his temper and it's not like Dumbledore is helping, he hasn't spoken to Harry since the trial. Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. That was completely different. And, honestly, as Arthur said, yes they did break the Statue of Secrecy but it wasnt them who enchanted the car in the first place. Fanfiction; Fantasy; Historical Fiction; . Ron, who would know far better than Harry just what a terrible idea that is, Percy added. Im impressed you had heard and had already had time to start looking for them, Ted noted. You were jealous? - ha "If that's another rediculous Educational Decree," he said in a low voice, "I might just burst." Hermione and Ron nodded in agreement. How late were you guys? Remus wondered. You wouldnt happen to have put any other enchantments on it, would you, dear?. The Weasleys went to sit by Ron and Hermione while Amelia, Kingsley, and Moody went to sit by the staff stable leaving Remus, Tonks, and Snuffles to come and sit right next to them. Umbridge picked up one of the books showing it to Fudge "I have found these books Cornelius, they tell the truth about that brats life and everything that has happened here". In which the Scooby-Doo gang, Mikaelson family and Hogwarts Hermione Potter AU!! secret, or mysterious; understood by few. Harry isnt sure but Ron reminds him they are stuck and have to get to school. What did you think that was going to do? Ted asked in amusement. Mr. Weasley tried to convince his wife to let him fly the car, but she refused. Its fine, Ron. Harry and Ron exchanged grins. All they had to worry about now were airplanes. 224 3 1. abusedharrypotter. You left two Gryffindor twelve-year-old boys alone in my office! Honestly, he was lucky that Harry was nothing like his father or godfather or else his office would have been left in ruins. And they like you. 49. r/HPfanfiction. Ron was just coming back to his senses when the car seemed to decide it'd had enough of them. There is a lot more to distract you there. You dont thinkDobby? Charlie frowned at his brother. 5. The teachers exchanged more guilty looks. I assume the car runs off of magic and needs a boost at the very least. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. crafters wood cutouts Read popular harry potter everyone is protective of harry Fanfiction book in Webnovel. Book of Assurance by thestralrose182 reviews. I wouldnt have minded the expansion charm. You can find them all at the 'official' site; The Jame. Ron yelled after it, demanding it come back or his dad would kill him. Ron said it was no problem when Harry asked if he could fly it. Lost Harry potter Fanfiction. Its a long enough journey on the train with plenty of space and refreshments, Ted agreed. Although, with the car gone wherever, could it be proven that the car was Arthurs? Ted wondered. Undetectable extension charms, Filius guessed. Ron told him they could apparate and wouldnt need the car. Besides the Weasley's, there's Neville, Luna, Hagrid, Professors McGonagal, Snape, Sprout, Flitwick, wait. Now would be a good time for the flip side of the famed Potter luck, Bill mumbled to himself. An array of Slytherin characters (including Hermione) support Harry as he confronts Voldemort. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong (#1) Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. Thats not good, Sirius muttered anxiously, even more worried since Emmelines comment about the Whomping Willow being involved somehow. It was wrong of me to enchant the car in the first place, and I knew that full well. Harry and Ron waited in terrified silence, but didn't have to wonder long as Snape soon returned with Professor McGonagall. 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