If you side with Slusk you can take out Luxa together and then convince Slusk to leave the Citadel Station. I'm gonna try that now thanks. Like critical strike, flurry is only available for melee weapons. At its most extreme, this effect will save you 50% on your friendly Force powers, but using powers from the other side of the Force will cost you 50% more than they would if you were neutral. Some feats, such as armor and weapon proficiencies, are cumulative, but most are not, so that achieving the second level in a feat replaces the bonuses that the first level gave you, rather than having them add together. You'll need to fight him before he'll calm down enough to speak with you; any Force powers that are capable of stunning will come in handy here. Inside, you'll find small groups of spider-like beasts; kill them all and you'll find a motherlode of lightsaber crystals. You can also erase any connection B-4D4 has with Czerka. For whatever reason, though, Star Wars and role-playing games have never come together--until now. You can visit him in his compound in the Sandral Grounds to deliver the unfortunate news. Travel all the way back to the elevator, where Gorwooken and a couple of friends will attack you. B-4D4 was assigned the ID number 003127. Make sure HK-47 is in your party, if you intend to pursue the best Light side course of action; luckily, the party-switching feature of your map screen is still enabled in this map area. 16x9 ratios seem to work for me. It is passion that fuels the Force: true. honestly i dont even remember setting them that way. Once you've eliminated all three of the groups, return to the grove and fight Sherruk, the leader of the Mandalorians, and a small group of his friends. Please do not use this box to ask a question, it will be rejected - this box is for answers ONLY. This will become quite important when battling the Dark Jedi later on in the game, since they will quite often resort to these kinds of attacks when using the Force powers. Should you side with the Elders against the warrior tribe, you'll be sent back to their compound to free one of their compadres. Go back outside and enter right room #1. Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords Patches TSL Patch (U.S. One thing to keep in mind is that your character has a maximum character level of 20; the game calculates this by adding together the levels that you've gained in your original class, and those that you've gained in your Jedi class. While Jolee won't have as high a vitality as either Bastila or Juhani, his offensive capabilities are on par with Bastila, at least, and may even exceed hers if both are using the same type of lightsaber. Scoundrels and scouts should usually be fine with the number of skill points they get at each level-up. Force costs remain constant when you upgrade a power, so previous iterations of a power will be erased from your combat menu once you do achieve a new rank. Ouch. Soldier characters will find it easiest to reach level four before ceasing to level-up; this will give them a few feats under their belt, which will make it easier for their Jedi characters to deal damage in combat later on, since the Jedi typically gain fewer feats than do the regular character classes. September 23, 2012 in Star Wars: General Discussion. One of your characters has no attack bonus, while the other character has an attack bonus of +10. Once Rukil clues you in to the fact that his apprentice is missing, search for her to the northwest of the Undercity settlement. If you faint at the sight of blood, or merely wish to avoid any more scars on your chin, then the life of a scoundrel is probably what you're after. Speaking of the armory, you'll want to forge a path there before you leave this level; it's guarded by two Dark Jedi and a Dark Jedi master with some fantastic items on their bodies, like Sith power gauntlets (+3 to Strength) and an upari crystal (+3 attack, +1-8 damage). Talk to him, and after you let him know that you're wise to his little game, he'll assume the form of Jolee and the fight is on. Two-weapon fighting gives you the opportunity to wield a weapon in each of your hands with a reduction to the normal penalty. If you don't kill them, or even if you do, you can proceed further back towards the Hawk to encounter yet another crazy Sith who wants to kill people. Also, if you haven't looted the Telosian dude's apartment, you can use B4D4 to loot it, fight the telosian and get 100XP for it (that's what I got). The door to the command deck is now repaired, so no need to go through the airlock again. Ask about the healing and he'll give you a +5 gain to your maximium force points. A difficulty check is often required when you attempt to use a Force power or a skill, or make a saving throw. This is one of the first critical choices for Dark side candidates, and is a perfectly viable alternative to slaughtering Kandon and his bodyguards. Scouts seem to be merely downgraded soldiers, with less vitality and fewer feats. B-4D4 was taken to the Ithorian compound and reprogrammed, which freed him from his duty to serve Czerka and gave him the ability to lie. Sign up for a new account in our community. Even though both of them add their modifier to the DC of a Force power attack, a high wisdom score also increases the amount of Force points your character possesses, as well as your will saving throw. You can choose any of the four; you'll need to visit all of them eventually. For those of you who aren't familiar with PC RPGs or the d20 combat system, this Glossary will hopefully provide you with a small reference that you can refer to while reading this guide, or playing the game, when you encounter a term or acronym that's unfamiliar to you. You may want to let one of your characters get up close, then throw a few ion grenades into the mix to hopefully knock most of its life away. If you promise to slaughter them, you can get a small Dark side shift. If you can't hit your opponent, you won't have much of a chance to win the fight. Read over their definitions in the class section near the beginning of this guide to make sure you're clear on the differences between the classes; this is a binding choice! If you have enough vitality, this fight shouldn't pose much of a threat to you, but if you are having trouble, you might want to activate one of those energy shields you should have lying around in your inventory--it'll help blunt the damage from her saber a bit. It's worth pointing out that, as you progress further into the game, most of the broken droids you encounter will require multiple individual repairs before they're restored to working order, and since you save parts from each repair, you can sometimes save four or five parts per droid for every four levels you possess in repair. Walk over the pool and head towards the door; there's a deadly plasma mine that can dish out up to 70 damage to you if you don't spot it, so make sure you're healed up before passing through. Have the Czerka mercenaries attacked the Ithorian compound yet? He and his cronies can pose a tough challenge for an under-leveled team of adventurers; if you find yourself getting overwhelmed, you may want to skip these guys for now and come back when you have a bit more vitality under your belt. Also, whatever B4-D4 decides to do doesn't affect your alignment. If you choose the wrong sword, or anger Ajunta during your dialogues, he'll attack you. If T3 isn't in your party, then you'll have to keep quite a careful eye on your vitality levels and simply wait him out. By (0/3), Transfer from injector to container. Now that she's gone, you'll be able to access her terminal behind the desk. If you're playing Dark side, then you can simply accept Yuthura's offer of sponsorship into the Sith academy, and you'll be teleported there immediately. Conditioning adds a bonus to every saving throw your character makes. He'll appear with two Dark Jedi friends, who should be eliminated before you take on the boss man. Life support packs can be used in place of heal, for instance, assuming you have a decent treat injury score. The number before the slash is the amount of damage that is ignored; in this case, the first five points of damage from every fire-based attack would be ignored by the character, so that, if an attack was supposed to deal 10 points of fire damage to your whole party, that character would only take five, while the other characters would take full damage. You'll run into Shaardan on your way out of the tomb, eager to 'relieve you of your burden.' Once you are finally able to communicate, you can either kick her off the ship immediately for a Dark side hit or bring her back to Dantooine, where the Twi'lek at the starport will take her home, giving you a Light side shift (yay!). As soon as you enter the Docking area youll receive a call from Mozo asking assistance. Two other side quests, entitled Missing Selkath and Republic Hiring Mercenaries, are given by a couple of Selkath hanging around in the mercenary enclave. With papers in hand, you can head further on to the northwest to reach the Undercity elevator, or you can fool around in the Lower City collecting items and experience, if you wish. Unlike some of the more annoying Dark Jedi you've run into, Malak won't spam death fields at you; he doesn't appear to have any way to heal himself at all, as a matter of fact. Head around to the side entrance and proceed back into the compound. And not to put too fine a point on it, but Force immunity is almost always going to be a better feat to have than Force jump, especially in the last few stages of the game. This is Deck 2, now; not Deck 1. This quest doesn't involve Force attunement adjustments; screwing it up will only convince Bolook of your incompetence. These latter two have obvious Dark side implications. Even if he does, your energy shield should be enough to keep you alive. You can mess around with the droid in the docking bay by just straight up lying to it about it giving outdated info and something about Czerka and fees. You'll still be allowed to select your character's sex, class, in-game portrait, and name. Once you're free from the Leviathan and have fought off the Sith starfighters, you'll have to have a pep rally with your crew. Sol'aa also sells a few cards. 'There's a bucket of fried chicken in my pants--wanna get greasy?' 9) Exit to Dock Module Before visiting the Docks make sure you check out the Cantina and then go back to the residential area so you can reach the Residential 082 West. Go ahead and accept the quest; you'll immediately be granted a license, with the understanding that the Czerka will pay a bounty for each gaffi stick you bring back to them. Once you get your party into the east end of the southern hallway, you'll probably need to switch over to Solo Mode to prevent them from attacking the enemies that are following you, at least until they retreat far enough from the middle entrance so that the enemies stop endlessly coming at you. One of the Security Rooms in the southwestern corner of the estate contains the Prison Key you'll need to rescue Shen. You can still kill him, of course; he has a mesh underlay on him that can be used to upgrade the Echeni fiber armor. The best combination of Force powers in most run-of-the-mill battles is almost always going to be master speed and Force wave. Five years after the events from the award winning Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, the Sith Lords have hunted the Jedi to the edge of extinction and are on the verge of crushing the Old Republic. The hale and hearty soldiers of the Republic benefit most from a healthy constitution, seeing as how it simply increases the amount of vitality you gain after each level-up. Although at the time of posting this news the patch announcement has not yet been posted on the official LucasArts website, the patch is available via auto-update. These won't be very important right away, but towards the end of the game having proper explosives can make some tasks much easier. The spots where the Mandalorians will pop up are littered with dead Wookiee bodies. This article documents the common and notorious glitches that you are likely to encounter when playing the game of KOTOR. Master speed will make your Jedi harder to hit and double or triple the number of attacks per round, while a successful wave will break up your enemies into smaller groups, and stun at least a few of them. A saving throw is what represents your character's ability to escape harm, or, failing that, minimize it through defensive actions. You'll meet Jon in the courtyard of the Jedi Academy. Use the console to download the area map. The fight here is one of the most fun in the game, since it's essentially just 12 characters thrown into a room and told to kill each other. Dealing with the Exchange The Exchange are interferring in the restoration project. Bastila, being the first Jedi you run across, will be an important part of your escape from Taris. Any character that you pick to be involved in the rescue will start completely unequipped, with only their skills and Force powers to rely on. Buy some bantha fodder from the merchant near the Ebon Hawk; you'll need some later on. When he runs out of Force points, he'll activate a life support kit; this is when you know you're almost through with him. If you come across an event that isn't covered in the main walkthrough, you'll want to refer to the Galaxy Side Quests section; if you want tips on a minigame, then you'll need to check the Minigames and Items section. Malak generally begins by activating Force immunity, so you'll probably want to stick to your lightsaber with regards to damage-dealing. All of this is a roundabout way of getting to the point: you can manipulate KOTOR's leveling system so that, once you become a Jedi, you can dump nearly all of your experience points into your chosen Jedi class, thus becoming as powerful, if not much more so, than your Jedi companions. Any class would stand a fair chance of finding this useful, since it is difficult for soldiers and scouts to increase their persuasion skill, and vice versa for scoundrels and treat injury. You won't have any choice but to accept Chuundar's quest. She'll continue looking for him forever, leading a hollow, empty, meaningless life, devoid of the richness of human contact, until she finally withers away, her last breath a gasped plea for the presence of the beloved droid you destroyed those many years ago. After that, or before that, depending on how adventurous you were, you can find the Star Map in the southwestern corner of the Lower Shadowlands. If you couple the stunning effects, the wide area of effect, and the low cost of this power, a case could be made for giving each of your Jedi characters three ranks in Force push: it's almost always useful. The correct answer is: do both. If you do give him a false sword, he'll be killed by Uthar the next time you enter the Academy. Lurze will warn you not to open it, and with good reason: it'll eat your soul and place it inside a prison without walls. You have two basic choices here. Encompassing a broad variety of specific abilities, feats are used to further specialize a character, largely through customizing the way you conduct yourself during combat. The only other items of quest-propelling interest are the second Promised Land journal, in a room in the northeast corner of the sewers, and the hidden entrance to the Black Vulkar base, which lies in the area to the east of our sewer entry point. (1/5), Transfer from injector to container. After Bendak falls, talk to Ajuur one last time to get 700 credits that were wagered, as well as Bendak's blaster. K-X12A Droid: Node 2 is reporting correctly. Apparently, they've set up a large number of turrets around the position, the better to destroy any approaching intruders. If you defend the Sullustan youll get Light Side points or Dark Side points if you dont. While there are some occasions where the ability to reprogram all of the droids in an area to fight alongside of your party is useful, the designers have carefully made sure that computer use is never a required skill for passing through an area; thus, there's never any situation where the ability to hack a computer is absolutely required, or will accomplish anything that can't be achieved with the use of brute force, or the security skill. Search Jorak's body for items, then grab Tulak Hord's mask from his locked sarcophagus (DC 28). That isn't to say he's not a good character to have along in a fight; he deals decent damage with his pistols, since he gets two attacks per round, and his soldier vitality will help him last a bit longer against the tougher opponents you meet. The mines shouldn't do to much damage but you can manually navigate between to avoid taking any damage. B-4D4 then delivered the files to the Ithorians. Note that, should your PC have been a scoundrel before becoming a Jedi, this addition is cumulative with scoundrel's luck, The indomitable will of a Jedi consular can greatly affect the efficacy of his influence on weaker minds, and Force focus is the gameplay extension of this rather nebulous concept.
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