This is why they make interpersonal harmony one of their top priorities, and aim for good relationships between friends and family. The Phlegmatic partner will energize his or her calm partner, and bring new ideas for their partnership. The more extreme temperamentsthe overly inward melancholic and the overly outward and active cholerictend to choose their opposite. But this quality has an advantage. Phlegmatic being one of the temperamental, they have their own pros and cons. Given the sanguine temperament tendency to indulge in unsafe and destructive behavior (such as substance abuse), this combination might be explosive, if not approached with caution. Phlegmatic people meet the soulmate among old friends or acquaintances and get married usually in middle age. The personality has the tendency to be a natural loser, which makes them good at understanding what others are trying to say. Similarly, the plodding and humdrum activity level of these children can sometimes give way to a surprising explosion of enthusiasm and initiative. Their primary need is to get results. Abandonment Issues Quiz: Do You Struggle With Trust and Attachment? They are logical and enjoy analyzing complex problems. The phlegmatic's health (psychosomatics) The weakest part of the phlegmatic's body is their stomach and they frequently are afflicted with from gastritis and gastric . Some physicians did this by regulating a patient's diet, while some used remedies such as phlebotomy and purges to get rid of excess blood. Black bile, cold and dry, corresponded to autumn. A: Judging by the percentage of the general population, the sanguine and melancholy types are the clear winners, taking up almost 70% of the population. All Rights Reserved. Download the article: Slow Steady and Even-Tempered: The Phlegmatic Childby Thomas Poplawski, From Renewal, A Journal for Waldorf Education, Spring/Summer 2012. Both require a strong emotional connection, and both make choices based on their values. They tend to have a peaceful and agreeable nature. In some ways, they are even prudent. Shared personality traits: Sensing (S) and Judging (J), Also known as: Melancholic, Sensing plus Judging, Sentinel, Pragmatist, The Thinker. The old saying that a way to a mans heart is through his stomach applies most powerfully to the phlegmatic.These days, the phlegmatic physique is out of fashion. Having a perceiving attitude allows ENFPs to keep her options open and enjoy flexibility and spontaneity. The origin of the four temperaments can be traced back to Hippocrates, who described a persons temperament as being closely related to the fundamental bodily fluids of blood, yellow bile, phlegm and black bile. Such personalities make good p[atemys and take care of their family as well as kids. As quintessential leaders, they provide structure and high standards to followers. The dominant function is the persons natural operation mode. The sanguine personality can be best defined as the life of the party. The tertiary function is underdeveloped in the beginning but may develop over time as a result of personal growth and development. Phlegmatics typically are thoughtful, reflective people, though not too inward, as can be the case with the melancholic. The unpredictability of the sanguine temperament meets the patience of the phlegmatic temperament, which challenges each side and helps it grow. They thrive on the theoretical and like to figure out how things work. An otherwise balanced and happy child who can usually slough off minor teasing can be transformed into a nervous and withdrawn child if the negativity of other children goes unchecked. Some categories that meet this criteria are: The four choleric temperament personality types are listed below. They are both very similar behavior wise to one another, from an evolutionary standpoint, but still have enough individual differences to make their lives more interesting. Champion (David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II). They are mindful when they speak and tend to be way away when arguments happen. Both have Sanguine tendencies or, in the 16 personality types terms, they share two of the four type preferences Extroversion (E) and Feeling (F). Given their extreme practicality and straightforwardness, they arent particularly regarded as good companions or very friendly types. This usually involves the development of a secondary temperament. Ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine bore striking similarities to the humors, but called them doshas and listed 3 types, not 4. Imaginative Innovator (official MBTI website). The same with work where carefulness and thoroughness are required. The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts. C.S. Now that you are all warmed up, lets unravel the mystery of the human psyche, one temperament at a time. They serve behind the scenes without seeking recognition. However, with a lot of love and patience, they can bring out the best in each other and help strengthen their weaknesses. They want to be in charge because of confidence in their ability to make better decisions. They are characterized by their loyal and gentle nature. Explore famous people and fictional characters with the Infographics personality. Also, they are someone who prefers to watch instead of the deer. This website uses cookies -- Cookie Policy, ENFP is very similar to the Sanguine-Phlegmatic temperament, ENFPs weaknesses and what other people find annoying about them, click here, Judging vs. Sometimes they also suffer from low-self image and tend to be shy wallflowers, rather than someone who would boast about their qualities. Rather, it gives you a clearer overview of your inner world, of your strengths and weaknesses, and of things you might want to pay more attention to. Sanguine people are laid back, open-minded and love to feel alive. Pinterest. Interestingly, Rudolf Steiner suggested having the phlegmatic child eat oats for breakfast. This match works surprisingly well, despite their different natures. Both types are organized and caring by nature. ISTJ The Examiner Tips For A Cohesive Workplace, Smart Leadership Development Plan: Everything You Must Know, 1 On 1 Meetings Guide: How to Conduct Engaging and Impactful. Today. It is one of the least frequently found combinations. The personality is self-sufficient, and the gift of temperance makes them a good leader and person to handle an efficient team. Like two peas in a pod, these two just understand one another. If phlegmatic remembers something, he or she will never forget it. They have a firm, stoic expression (flat affect) on their face, and will rarely smile. The personality tends to be more gentle and meek by nature. Plump (let alone fat) equals unfashionable, and there is increasing concern for and even criticism of those with excess body weight.Phlegmatic children often are teased by their peers and have other negative qualities unfairly attributed to them. They are gifted at coming up with new approaches. Like the melancholy, they enjoy more quiet activities. While one of the meanings of temperaments can be to seek harmonious existence between one another, this is a particularly challenging match. They are sceptical of everything and its not easy to gain their trust they feel a need to do their own investigation regarding the way things work, in order to make their mind up about them. Yet for centuries, the robust, fleshy, full, phlegmatic Rubenesque figure was most prized. When it comes to an event that requires dressier clothing, a phlegmatic will dress as casual as they can while still being appropriate. Happy: 30 Comedians Who Had Major Depression. Chris Christie is the popular governor of New Jersey. !R%7$E{4+8)H8OC/4?So=aZ%'E |=Y_sHTwG}qNEIB78xmlW;FyZ9vvm.6l\:?3"mA}dX-4)a/y/`2`GYW~Wdy0nPRenKE&x^:hN^@dA~!N-7 ~'YEK!&u?O]a Persian[11] polymath Avicenna (9801037 AD) extended the theory of temperaments in his Canon of Medicine, which was a standard medical text at many medieval universities. They are responsible, dependable and loyal. They have good administrative skills, which makes them good leaders too. Overseers are responsible and hard working. [10] This meant that if too much heat were involved, then the blood would become "overcooked." This is the complete list of famous Phlegmatic [Dominant] celebrities, actors and actress, singers, artists, scientists, businessmen and politicians. Even though its not necessary, the con as they focus on what the requirement is. Known as the watcher, the phlegmatic temperament type is empathetic, generous and original. ENTJ The Chief The Choleric-Phlegmatic is naturally a result-oriented, determined, unemotional, and focused individual. Also, with that, they take control of the environment they are in. They are organized, tidy, neat, abide by strict work ethic, always finish what they start and are very focused on the task at hand. In raising a phlegmatic child, we need to be conscious of both the gifts and challenges and help the child to a move toward balance. When a need arises, they are quick to provide a solution, provided that the need is justified. ISTP The Craftsman Phlegmatic is a slow and laconic person. A common cause for angst is the often high standard they set for themselves one that can hardly be achieved by anyone. Personal growth drives them and anything short of that pursuit is meaningless to them. The emotional stability of phlegmatic can be useful in fields requiring calm analysis and decision-making skills. Last year, his solid personality and strong presence sparked the publics interest in him as a presidential candidate for the Republican Party. GM[Qk- q|u1CN7Fqo|Fu$~]5de@tlCKUNW97"#iC&BX They dislike conflict and conformity. They are idealistic and driven by values they deeply believe in and defend. INTJ The Strategist By definition, choleric types hold the toughest nut to crack 4 temperaments description. focus on the initial stages of a project, leaving the followup to their subordinates. As such, these people should feel in safe waters if they pursue a career in: The four phlegmatic temperament personality types are listed below. But Christie is a large, portly man. They live in the world of ideas and have a great ability to debate. He classified them as hot/cold and dry/wet taken from the four elements. They are fearless and thrive on challenging situations. They are intellectually quick and skilled. Choleric people do not have many friends and are prone to intense mood swings. Journalist (David Keirsey, Please Understand Me). | Terms & Conditions | 707.234.5678, Design by Monster Design Co. | Production by, Slow Steady and Even-Tempered: The Phlegmatic Child. Artists live in the present and yearn for freedom. The phlegmatics plod on, steadily and relentlessly; they slog through the tedious and difficult assignments that would cause the other temperaments to give up or get bogged down. Both personalities are striving to build a strong and stable relationship. Each personalities always takes their time when it comes to their family and keeps their kids as their top priorities. Others may not find phlegmatics to be exciting, but they are dependable and solid.The Good LifePicture some of the currently popular celebrity chefs, people like Mario Batali and Paul Prud-homme, and you see archetypal examples of the phlegmatic, though these individuals tend to have a choleric streak as well. A phlegmatic. They will do everything they can to make sure their loved ones get along with each other and are happy. Regardless of what happens, such a temperament doesnt take the pressure. They don't have a big need for communication, their social circle is rather limited. ISFJs like routine and have excellent follow-through skills. A good example of how opposites attract and you dont need to be the same in order to be happy. And besides, they need more time to think when they make a decision. They are freedom-seeking and unemotional. The phlegmatic is content to sit by quietly and to relish the fine pleasures the world has to offer. This combination is like a director because they naturally like telling others what to do. Their concern was that, since he apparently cannot control his own appetite, how could he convince the American people of the need for fiscal austerity? Their mechanical and technical nature enables them to operate many kinds of tools and instruments. Phlegmatic definition: Someone who is phlegmatic stays calm even when upsetting or exciting things happen . Energetic and creative, they are sincere and a forever-child at heart. Both sides are very independent, self-sufficient and arent the type to become codependent on each other. The phlegmatic person can be a good influence, helping the melancholic type to keep his negativity and depression at bay. They have a tendency toward athletics and anything that involves creating or crafting. INFJ The Confidant Also, they are attracted to finding better opportunities to provide support and participation. Learn more. They are often called upon to help others in times of need. ISFJ Defenders are kind, loyal and considerate. The ENFP is attracted to the INFJs depth and maturity. Mentors are driven by their desire to help others reach their fullest potential. They have a very low emotional level, which is important in the crazy rhythm of modern life. Avoidant Personality Disorder Test (AvPD). Learn Choleric-Phlegmatic's power and potential. As mentioned in the personality theory article, your temperament can be identified by the strength of your preferences. A sample of famous Phlegmatic people, Phlegmatic celebrities. The 4 temperaments are a very good representation of this nuanced difference in human behavior and offer a deep insight into the contrast that differs from personality trait to personality trait. It may have originated in Mesopotamia,[4] but it was Greek physician Hippocrates (460370 BC) (and later Galen) who developed it into a medical theory. Indecisiveness is another potential issue, as this is one of the key traits of this shared temperament and can lead to a lot of hesitation, where neither partner can step up. Extreme extroverts, sanguine people are often called the talker. Highly communicative, making friends comes as easy to them as breathing air. Choleric-Phlegmatic Famous People - Choleric-Phlegmatic Celebrities - PDB App This is the complete list of famous Choleric-Phlegmatic celebrities, actors and actress, singers, artists, scientists, businessmen and politicians. Rokhin, L, Pavlov, I and Popov, Y. A bit later in history, this temperament theory was further promoted by Galen, a doctor from the Roman empire. Signing the phlegmatic child up for a sports team, dance classes, and other activities can also counter the inherent, somewhat sluggish inclinations of the phlegmatic child.The commitment of parents and other adults and their strong will (lovingly exercised) are crucial here. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus, both archetypes of the phlegmatic persuasion, emanate human warmth and jollity. They seek to preserve tradition and observe rules. David Keirsey noted that the 16 personality types could be grouped into four temperaments. Phlegmatics are patient and careful and will ruminate before aspirnging into action. The phlegmatic temperament can easily be summed up as a neutral temperament. Also, they are attracted to finding better opportunities to provide support and participation. As these two are polar opposites, a melancholic person can bring a sanguine person down with their depression and vice versa sanguine types can be too much for melancholy types. What Type of Therapist Should I See [Quiz], Living With Someone With OCD: How You Can Help, Enneagram Test Type 5: 100 Signs You Are a FIVE, Narcissist vs. Sociopath: The Difference Explained, Types of Thinking Test: Concrete, Analytical, Abstract, Logical, Imaginative, Creative. And in many parts of the world, an ample figure (especially in women) is still desirable, being seen as a sign of well-being and affluence. In fact, most of us have all the temperaments within ourselves, some more clearly expressed than others. This not only makes it hard for them to connect with others but also, people dont understand what they are going through. The idea was that the two most important factors when digesting are the types of food and the person's body temperature. They maintain self-control and a clear mind. Let us know below what is your type and whether or not you find the listed characteristics apply to you. They slowly build a few close relationships and will help only those they consider to be their friend. Choleric types are workaholics with a short fuse, who abide by discipline, cold facts and dedication. This is a display of how putting the same 4 temperaments humours together isnt always a recipe for success. [2] [3] Most formulations include the . They are supportive and generous. Examiners have a keen sense of right and wrong. A thinker and perfectionist, extremely accurate, reliable and thorough, they can also easily tap into others feelings and easily pinpoint what is required to help them out. They may be more prone to addiction given their pleasure-seeking side, or to have problems with overeating and weight gain. They are serious, reliable, self-sacrificing, philosophical, ordered and prone to genius. Phlegmatics typically are thoughtful, reflective people, though not too inward, as can be the case with the melancholic. stream However, any child or adult who for some reason puts on a substantial amount of weight will develop some phlegmatic traits.Phlegmatics strive for ease, comfort, and relaxation. They are primarily driven by fun and have low tolerance to boredom. INTP The Engineer The melancholy temperaments enjoy human company, while the choleric temperaments stay away from it. The choleric definition is of intelligent, independent and determined people, who are high-achievers, driven not only to acquire but also to master large amounts of information. Carol T. Mahaffey is a certified American Author And a creator of Theleaderboy. "[12] Nicholas Culpeper (16161654) suggested that the humors acted as governing principles in bodily health, with astrological correspondences,[13] and explained their influence upon physiognomy and personality. 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