Most of the fiction worlds are unrealistic, inconsistent or unrealistic and inconsistent: Harry Potter, Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. Being realistic? Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society. As cliche as it sounds, they'd probably form a small secretive division that specifically deals with the supernatural, so that even among them there are as few people as possible that have to know what's going on. They are too weak to settle issues in their own neighborhoods and have to spend most of their time doing damage control around their borders. Some people want to be the flash, batman, or superman. Another thing to keep in mind is that people's perception would already be influenced by super hero media. Another reason may be psychological. 1996 - 2023 National Geographic Society. Economists have shown that long-run growth depends on a countrys geography, demography, and political institutions. The next time you get a bump or bruise, try coughing. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Before the incident, they were headed in a friendly direction, but after, they became rivals. These kinds of liabilities arent counted in the big headline indicators. The normal reaction of the government, who's usually the first to know, is to suppress it, by any means necessary up to and including making the people capable of supernatural feats disappear without a trace. The United States would defend the Middle East against an attack by any Communist Country. The three branches of the U.S. government are the legislative, executive and judicial branches. In X-Men sort of scenario, there will be regulations, something between how they watch over ex-convicts and how they regulate guns. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Combine them with the powers of other Super Hero . The closer to authoritarianism the more the government would move to crush/control the new population. It was first used to describe the British Empire, which, at the end of the 19th century, extended Queen Victorias reign over nearly one-quarter of the worlds land surface and more than one-quarter of the worlds population. Everyone from angsty teenagers to modern pagans, fraternities to secret societies perform rituals, for tradition, entertainment, and worship. Although the US does not spend the most in the world on defence as a proportion of GDP (3.7%), in absolute terms it spends vastly more than . As Justice Marshall put it in McCulloch v. Maryland, [s]tates have no power, by taxation or otherwise, to retard, impede, burden, or in any manner control the operations of the Constitutional laws enacted by Congress to carry into execution the powers vested in the Federal Government.Under this doctrine, the Supreme Court has indicated that the Supremacy Clause may entail preemption of state law either by express provision, by implication, or by a conflict between federal and state law. In this situation, I'd think there would be some government organization somewhat like the fictional SCP Foundation. Mob violence and an almost literal "witch hunt" would be rampant, with or without tacit government approval. Kier also has a blog that you can find right here. The United States needs to worry about Russias nefarious activitiesespecially its election meddling and paramilitary encroachments in the Balticsbut it can do so without gearing up for another Cold War. Jason Reynolds I believe it's time that women truly owned their superpowers and used their beauty and strength to change the world around them. hydrogen bomb - the most destructive thermo-nuclear weapon that would have the force of 1 million tons of TNT, Eisenhower's anti-Communist Secretary of State, the willingness of the U.S., under President. I would fight against it at every turn. Has Microsoft lowered its Windows 11 eligibility criteria? How would Earth's governments react to the discovery of many human-occupied magical worlds? Update the question so it focuses on one problem only by editing this post. So as of now, there are five people in the whole world with powers. A superpower also draws its power from a superior economy, as well as the capacity to influence other states and international institutions (soft power). It's much easier to destroy than to build, and things could turn nasty quick if someone with powers decided to go on a rampage or was kidnapped by the mafia to teleport gold out of vaults, etc, etc. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. If people suddenly gained superpowers most people would probably go for the guns first. Being players, the aforementioned condition that non PC witnesses end up dead is true. Underline all words, letters, symbols, and numerals that should appear in italics. [closed], We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. All of a sudden, they are no longer a. He flew the last flight, but it was shot down and he landed in Soviet-controlled territory. 15. Not everyone will be against it and will comply simply because they want to live with no trouble from the law and things like that. Khrushchev demanded an apology and for the U-2 planes to stop. In case of the US, such bracelets may be obligatory in some states but not nation-wide. Even is a socially equitable situation, popular opinion may move to more authoritarian as people are scared and offer the government more power to make them safe. Eisenhower denied that U-2 planes had been spying on the Soviet Union. If you have questions about how to cite anything on our website in your project or classroom presentation, please contact your teacher. On the other hand, the U.S. caused the U-2 incident and involved themselves in the events in Iran and Guatemala. They're going to have to admit that this is actually happening. A. I don't know what should i think, all I know I will do my best to be able to survive. Unfortunately, tests also show inconsistencies like missing organs, or organs/parts that humans dont have, like gills, wings, venom glands, fangs. So, in conclusion, I would recommend that these people with magical powers very soon become very powerful or very visible, if you don't want them snatched up and absorbed in some Ministry of Magic or whathaveyou. Which of the two superpowers do you think was more successful in achieving its aims during the period 1945-1949? Humans are found, that seem completely normal- except they have no identification. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The possession of highly superior military capabilities is generally considered to be the most important element in distinguishing a superpower such as the United States from a major power such as France or the United Kingdom. The government's reaction will be what makes the population happy. They can do this without informing your next of kin or anyone else. Purposes and objectives preemption occurs when the purposes and objectives of the federal law would be thwarted by the state law. Usually, the only way to identify them is from other people's feedback. From what I understand the U.S. Gov't now has the right (no constitutional basis) to imprison you without a warrant. These are set in a modern day Earth where the supernatural exists and is often used for dark purposes. Additionally, we will be looking into creating a superhero team to help us handle any further developments. There are a couple witnesses, but the critter is killed and burned thanks to some quick thinking by average people. With a secure homeland and a peerless economy, the United States can do stupid things over and over again without suffering severe punishment. But I was working on similar scenario and my solution was initial group like Justice League or Avengers and something like an "Alien Invasion or Big event" where the public would rally around the heroes. What is the situation in Massachusetts that Adams complains to her husband about? Jobs /Hero Registration Act- To use powers as professional whether it is civilian work or hero work. She or he will best know the preferred format. How do you think the govt would respond to this situation? A few cults would bloom. Losing someone close to you hurts and I know how it can affect the people who loved them. 1. Michael Beckley: First, the United States has a huge lead by the most important measures of national power. One reason is that people wrongly assume that a superpower will always get its way, so when the United States fails, its front-page news. That never made sense to me, because it seems like at least some of those people would want to use their powers publicly, even as heroes or villains. An upset of this scale to the status quo simply cannot be allowed to happen or it would threaten the very existence of the nation. Teleportation Superpowers are fictional superhuman abilities that originated in comic books. This kind of narrative is fairly well-traveled, as I mentioned, to the point that any major deviation from the basic beats I mentioned are probably going to come off as implausible or unrealistic. had Communist sympathies For information on user permissions, please read our Terms of Service. No history. This era is unique. 5 Imhaveapoosy 3 yr. ago Just because it has a broader range of reports to correlate than social media does? One from this world is an FBI hacker. However, the players have so far ratted out one player as having powers (a psychic effect, reaching out to a target and extending a purple flame to engulf them which results in incapacitating pain for a few moments.). How can I recognize one? A superpower is a state that cannot be ignored on the world stage and without whose cooperation no world problem can be solved. Studies will likely be made obligatory too, but not everyone will be studied by government since there is too many of them. 55% say government has too much power, down from 59% in 2016. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Good luck being one of those people who is now labeled as a communist sleeper agent or alien. Field preemption occurs when Congress legislates in a way that is comprehensive to an entire field of an issue. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. One benefit is security. Used spies to gather info abroad. Superkid to the rescue!. 4. Time Control scares me. If the U.S.S.R. could be considered a superpower despite its rivals edge, it is because, in the words of John Mearsheimer, it could put up a real fight and pose a significant challenge to U.S. global dominance. Maybe there will be some form of visible marker like bracelets. If no progress is made, it opens the way for declarations by other powers to take that step forward with an aggressive policy, military or otherwise. Suddenly, a supernatural creature pops up. But Michael Beckley, an associate professor of political science at Tufts, doesnt buy that. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. After preliminary tests, we can confirm that at least 99% of scientists are very disappointed that they are not the ones who gained a superpower. When you reach out to him or her, you will need the page title, URL, and the date you accessed the resource. Special interests drag down U.S. growth and fuel corruption and inequality, but the Chinese Communist Party systematically sacrifices economic efficiency and promotes corruption and inequality to maintain political control. Each branch had a unique delineation of authority and responsibility, commonly referred to as the separation of powers. Considering how (especially in the U.S.) we've come to love our superhero's I think as a society we would be much more welcoming of this type of thing to happen. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. Up to very recently, the world was exactly as ours. Two laws will be isued, one that obligates people to disclose their powers to authorities (register) and the other one that will forbid unauthorised use of superhuman powers with severe punishments in place. The official policy would likely be be to deny it publicly while trying to get ahead of the situation. And, this has been condoned/approved/put in place by both Bush AND Obama. Chinese workers produce six times less wealth per hour than American workers on average. There are too many variables to destroying the existence of everything. Do they not remember? Even in the case of the critter being burned, there's still going to be enough of the remains to attempt an analysis. The United States can decisively involve itself in any region of the worldor not. This alone will cause quite a bit of excitement, both in and out of the scientific world. A few- a small few- of those books were legitimate and functional, but there was no magic for them to draw in so there was no difference. Now you'd feel a little better hearing all this if Tom Nichols and others like him in Washington had a track record that suggested they could do any of this, a track record of competence and . Rousseau's solution was for people to enter into a social contract. The concept of superpower is a relatively recent addition to the lexicon of political science. They also created the Eisenhower Doctrine. They would give up all their rights, not to a king, but to "the whole community," all the people. Gained power in the Soviet Union. Even then superhero groups are pseudo government regulated, I was working on the laws that would be need to be place, 1.Superhero good samaritan act- Where a person with powers who is general try to help is not punished for any bad things that might happen in the act of helping, 2. While not dependent on the "Sovereign Citizen Movement", one of the many claims made by those within the movement is that the federal income tax is unconstitutional. Upward mobility, entrepreneurship, and life expectancy are declining. It's really up to you about the message you want to send. If they are mostly killable and have random powers as X-Men, than no chance. C. In our country there's a lot of people that need help that must be considered first, D. Corrupt people must be gone in every country, because they make their country the worst. People get them suddenly, but they're exceptionally rare. ", "This event would cause a rift between the govt an public because the government just kidnapped and held a bunch of american citizens against their will. A superpower is a state with a dominant position characterized by its extensive ability to exert influence or project power on a global scale. Ron DeSantis on Tuesday will release his book, "The Courage to be Free," to much anticipation ahead of his expected plunge into the 2024 presidential race. For an analogy we're all familiar with, this isn't a Zombie Apocalypse. How can I change a sentence based upon input to a command? the willingness of the U.S., under President Eisenhower, to go to the edge of all-out war. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Reduced majority of Republicans still say government is too powerful. Geographically, the United States is a natural economic hub and military fortress. Let's say you had support of about 75% of voters to do it." Yale historian Paul Kennedy conducted a famous study comparing great powers over the past five hundred years and concluded: Nothing has ever existed like this disparity of power; nothing. The United States is, quite simply, the greatest superpower ever., Why the United States Is the Only Superpower, Russia threatens many U.S. interests, said Michael Beckley. TOKYO -- A Japanese air force serviceperson filed a lawsuit against the government on Monday, saying it had failed to protect her from verbal sexual harassment from a . Doctors can do x-rays, ultrasounds, and CT scans to get a good picture of what their insides look like. Well, governments I guess have been around for a few thousand years, and I am not sure about super heroes. Edit: and by suddenly I mean if lets say a shit ton of people gained superpowers over night. Michael Beckley: First, the United States has a huge lead by the most important measures of national power. The U.S. debt is massive. More than two-thirds of Chinas workers lack a high school education; and one-third of Chinese young people entering the workforce have an IQ below 90, largely a result of malnutrition, poor care, and pollution. The United States naturally wanted Europe to be rebuilt along Democratic-Capitalist lines, while the Soviet Union . But Russia and China still harm U.S. interests by acting in concert on a limited set of issues. Edit: You need to be licensed. Institutionally, the United States is a mess, but Chinas system is worse, he said. r/polls You discover a toxin that destroys human's ability to feel anger, sadness, greed, and all other "negative" emotions. Government will likely forbid unathorised research of metahuman powers as it forbids cloning, only government partners and contractors will be allowed to study powers. Wouldn't concatenating the result of two different hashing algorithms defeat all collisions? But say that 1/100,000 are affected or fewer then things would be remarkably different. The government won't be able to do anything to prevent that, even if it wanted to. These include the use of smartphone contact-tracing. * U.S. prevents Iranian-Soviet Alliance, * Eisenhower believed that their gov. They'll also want to see what happens as the powers are used - what (if any) kinds of radiation are given off and see if there are any indications as to how it is happening. Countries of course would abuse their super people to shore up their own defenses since everyone thinks were gonna blow eachother up at this point in time. Press J to jump to the feed. Its the beginning. China is the only country that comes close, and America still has three times Chinas wealth and five times its military capabilities. How does the world react? * CIA-trained Army invades and dominates Guatemalan government, * Egypt tried to play the Soviets and the Americans against each other & there was a canal ownership issue Finally, the United States gets economic kickbacks from being a superpower. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. For private use if you don't seek proper training and people are harm by your you will be punished to full extent of the laws, 3. The other X-Men movies did cover this topic a little bit, but Mutants weren't publicly acknowledged for the most part, and they all tried to hide their very existence. Someone is going to make a youtube video of their new powers, and it's going to go viral - not because people believe it, but because of course the person is going to do something dumb with their new powers that makes for a funny video. The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. If not, why? That news segment is going to be shown again and again and again. Would you do it? China, by contrast, has burned through its resources and is surrounded by nineteen countries, many of which are hostile or unstable, and ten of which still claim parts of Chinas territory as their own. (yes, it would take time it's a realistic, bureaucratic solution). How would the world governments define a super person? The U.S. workforce is the third largest, second youngest, most educated in years of schooling, and most productive among the major powersand it is the only major workforce that will grow throughout this century. I think that all of these events are going to quickly get a lot of attention, both from the government and from the public. Russia and China will never form a genuine alliance. How do you think the govt would respond to this situation? Your dealing with the beginnings of the cold war paranoia that would spill beyond just how a single government would regulate metaphysical humans appearing on the planet. As a result, serious domestic problems are getting worse. This movie is a cross between a "hard boiled" detective story and a horror story. So I wonder about what ways society and government would change when faced with this new element in humanity. The truest superpowers are the ones we all possess: willpower, integrity, and most importantly, courage. If you do manage to get superpowers in the future, it's imperative that you pick a catchy name and get yourself a cool costume. Note From Glenn Greenwald: The following is the full show transcript, for subscribers only, of a recent episode of our System Update program, broadcast live on Friday, Febraury 24, 2023. Each branch independent of each other, If not, then you need to consider why they wouldn't be prepared. However; to me, this power has to be seriously limited for me to possess. It only takes a minute to sign up. Pretty much between X-Men and the Civil War story lines it explains what will happen. Khrushchev called off the summit and withdrew his invitation to Eisenhower to visit the Soviet Union. Well, the government could surely find an excuse to arrest powered people. Flight. Power Weapons Act- Superhumans are not to be used as weapons of War or militarized by government. Ukraine faced dozens of Russian attacks on its frontline over the past day, while the intense battle over Bakhmut rages on. For more superpowers that are all around us, check out 5 Superpowers You Didn't Know Your Body Was Hiding From You and 5 Superpowers We All Had as Babies (According to Science). All the Super Kid's Superpowers in We Can Be Heroes Netflix After School Netflix After School 3.73M subscribers Subscribe 74K 15M views 2 years ago These super kids have some SUPER. Sacramento, Calif. (AP) California's coronavirus emergency officially ends Tuesday, nearly three years after Gov. The article also gives the national government the power to collect "duties, imports, and excises." Similar to the national government, state governments have the power to levy state taxes. During the Cold War, for instance, the United States could not intervene in world affairs without taking into account the position of the U.S.S.R., and vice versa. I do believe that everyone has their time but I know a lot who died too young. They can, however, do their best to prevent people from panicking: By now, most of you have probably seen or heard about the Youtube video of the man with a superpower, as well as the news report that the video was not faked. The Biden administration officials urged Congress on Tuesday to renew a surveillance program that the U.S. government has long seen as vital in countering overseas terrorism, cyberattacks and . Those who cooperate are placed in a unit where their unique abilities are further developed; this both segregates them from the public for mutual protection, and makes them useful to society without the need to hide their true nature. The time of alien paranoia and mccarthyism? Now, how can a government react to this? Not saying this is right but historically we freak out when we met things we can't comprehend. The FBI knows something weird is going on, but no laws have been broken yet. steamboat28 8 yr. ago. "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.". Look, I like Magneto as much as anyone, but if people started developing random super powers, you bet your damn ass the government would need a register. The two super powers had very different ideas of how Europe should be rebuilt. Depending on the numbers of super powered people would also have a big impact on what would happen, say a 1/3 of the world or more develop them then nothing would happen because of the backlash and sheer numbers of people against anything that may hinder them. How would the world governments react if the supernatural was discovered? That said, this organization would be a pretty nice adversary. The government would be slow to believe that anything is happening but different portions of the huge bureaucratic beast that is the government would figure it out faster than others. For anyone who develops a power, please go to the nearest hospital as soon as it is convenient - we do not know the long-term health implications of these powers that have been showing up. Typically, these are powers necessary for maintenance of public facilities.As can be appreciated, one of the difficulties in the federal system is determining which entity, if any, has the power to legislate in a particular realm. All these people would also feel like smiling and they would too. Disney was ahead of the game with 1975's Escape to Witch Mountain, which introduced the mysterious siblings' Tia and Tony, who had psionic powers like premonitions, telepathy, and telekinesis that made them targets of an occult-obsessed millionaire. You look at Fauci's mistakes from the beginning of this, saying for six weeks that there was no community spread in the U.S. when it was, because they were using a flu surveillance system instead . But with certain power, the government could never manage to catch you. The people getting powers are receiving them as payment for completing missions. Different branches of the government may have different strategies and may or may not know that other branches also know about the supernaturals. Which they probably have in some form. There will be attempts to turn metahuman powers off (drugs, gene therapy) and to create supersoldiers with particular set of powers, and some of metahumans will be recruited by government. Because of the incident, the Soviet Union refused to welcome Eisenhower and the trust was broken. 5. However, the players have so far ratted out one player as having powers (a psychic effect, reaching out to a target and extending a purple flame to engulf them which results in incapacitating pain for a few moments.) The government being the government will issue that we need to register. Coughing or bearing down while holding your breath is a way to activate your vagus nerve. Because of this, the 1960's opened with tension between the two superpowers as great as ever. Finally, the indicators we typically use to measure powerGDP, military spending, trade volumessystematically exaggerate the power of countries with big populations, like China and India, because they count the benefits of having a big populationa large workforce and armybut not the costs. Detain them as illegal immigrants and start a long bureaucratic procedure of their deportation. Now, we must undoubtedly understand that the war in Ukraine does have a global effect, it is not only an economic effect, but also a political and strategic effect. The United States is a flawed democracy, but China is an oligarchy ruled by a dictator for life. It would probably wind up like in the Infamous games. Metahuman teens may be banned from general public schools since they are worser at self-control than adults and parents are over-protective. John Dinan, a Wake Forest University professor of politics and a leading national expert on federalism, state constitutions and state legislatures, can discuss the emergency power of state governments and . Combined with people developing powers, this will just make even more people convinced that something big is happening. The army and navy were trimmed and the Air Force was expanded. What does a search warrant actually look like? r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Kill them all, is the first thing that springs to mind. The establishment of The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) in 1949 aimed to counter the threat of communist expansion in Western Europe. If there is an express provision in the legislation, or if there is an explicit conflict between the state law at issue and the federal law, the state law provision is immediately invalid. If so, when? Lay and Collect Taxes. I imagine people in real life would end up doing the same thing, to an extent. 6. Your superpower is something you can't NOT do! Write the indefinite pronouns in each of the following sentences about contemporary Native American music. I would imagine it would depend on how powerful the power is and the motives of the person with the power. If you want to be cynical and nihilistic you can make it a gritty world where the government cracks down on people or you can go a different route and you can have the emergence of these powers be a foil to McCarthyism and the red scare and all of that and create a new era of prosperity. As soon as the government catches wind of you they'd capture you and make you a human test subject. ", Dealing with them is quite easy. In his recent book Unrivaled: Why America Will Remain the Worlds Sole Superpower, Beckley documents the multitude of U.S. strengths and its rivals many weaknesses. Fill-in the blank with one of these words: fiduciary, perfidy, fidelity, infidel, confidant, or affidavit. He believed that Communism would take over the world, but he thought it could triumph peacefully. I think other countries should be able to make suggestions, but since each Country is independent, they have the overall say about who is the head of their government. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The United States has an edge in all three categories. Superheroes that aren't duly deputized members of law enforcement are vigilantes by definition, and vigilantism is illegal. Their insides look like: willpower, integrity, and our products by since. & # x27 ; s perception would already be influenced by super hero.! 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