... Wikipedia has become one of the most famous websites on the internet today thanks to the plethora of information that is readily available. 10 Horrifying Times Dogs Killed People / Countries You Should Never ever Visit in your life time / 6 Useless Websites You Should Check Out (1) (2) ( Reply ) ( Go Down ) There are some very disturbing and creepy websites on the internet, when you visit, it scares the hell out of you. This is a game that will stick with you long after you play it...if you are brave enough. Best Gore is a Canadian shock site with graphic videos of real horrors like people having their heads and appendages removed. Top 5 Scary Websites You Should Never Visit Subscribe To Top 5 Scary Videos: Top 5 Scary Illegal Horror Games - Part 2 The internet Read More » April 10, 2020 46 Comments It is for this reason that the location has become known as “the ghost island of Japan.” When taking the virtual tour, visitors to the website can see everything from the “stairway to hell” to the actual coal mines. If you’re in need of some truly amazing yet equally scary stories that are just perfect for your Halloween gathering or your own private fright, there’s absolutely no other source of scare quite like Creepypasta. This is a lot to deal with for the average person and those who have visited the site before having spoken about how they felt traumatized and wished they could un-see some of the devastating things they witnessed on the site. By Brenden Gallagher. 9 Creepiest Places You Should Probably Never Visit From an abandoned asylum to a church adorned with human skulls, these sites are not for the faint of heart By Kristine Hanse n This leaves so many questions. 20 Websites You'll Never Visit Again. Hashima was at its peak population in 1959 with 5,259 people occupying the island. Nevertheless, the most unsettling part of the website is the manner in which it tries to rig visitors into joining Satanism. Bongcheon-Dong Ghost is a series on online comics that you should never Google search, especially late at night. Brenden Gallagher is a freelance writer and filmmaker in Los Angeles. Belts seem to be the bestseller on Human Leather but they also offer various other products including shoes, wallets, and bags. Anything that makes you think about your mortality or see how easy it would be for us to be red dots is not something worth thinking about. Googling the website comes up with very little information. When playing this game, one is instructed to click their way around an abandoned insane asylum. 33 Creepy Places You Should Never Visit After Dark. Plane Crash Info offers stats, reports, maps, photos, and the last words of victims. This list of creepy websites is not for the faint of heart, as it contains some of the weirdest and scariest pages on the internet. If you want to one step deeper in the rabbit hole, check out the creepy things on … We’re not fans of this site and would advise that you stay away from it. We know for sure that we won’t be visiting this site again anytime soon. I was startled by what I thought was a bumblebee in my bedroom, until I started to scoop it up in a glass and carry it outside, and I realized it was something like a monstrous ho I'm not talking about deepweb stuff, far from dark web there are still some websites which are on the common web, but terrifying! The following list was not composed for those who scare easily. These pages usually focus on teens and children as they encourage them to join hell’s army and to even summon demons from beyond. What it so eerie about this site, apart from its content, is the layout of the page. These products are said to resemble leather and may even be mistaken for leather. The Tor browser, however, enables you to visit these services while also giving you a layer of anonymity. These are things we believe no one should have to witness. The illustrations are so graphic and clear that the language barrier doesn’t take away any of the comic’s scariness. These horrifying websites are so dreadful, that it sends shivers down your spine, no matter how strong of a horror fan you maybe. Death Map is not all negative, though, as along with these red dots, green dots are also popping up to show all the births that are happening in the world. These websites are so eerie and scary that trigger warnings often accompany them. Human Leather is a British sales website that sells products that have been manufactured from human skin. This site lets users drag and click their way around the forgotten world of Hashima, a deserted island on the coast of Japan. Scary Internet Websites You Should Never Visit. Darwin Time is a website dedicated to a compilation of conspiracy theories covering an endless array of theories including 9/11, Hitler, and even Woodstock. White Enamel is a "walkthrough" game that might land you in an abandoned psychiatric hospital, yourself, once you're done playing it. The internet really is a wonderful place. If you're feeling down, visit the dawn room for a touching reminder of what we hold in our hearts but should always say aloud to those we love. On top of this, after the date is provided, you will be informed of the exact amount of time you have left before you reach this date. today i'm giving you some friendly advice as to where not to go in this crazy playground we call the internet. Skyway Bridge is dedicated solely to tracking the suicides from one of the most popular suicide bridges in the US, the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. The site looks as if it was made by a madman unsure of what he was doing but desperate to get all the content up there. The Fifth Nail Exposed is next up and it's definitely one of the darkest cases on this list. Most likely, you don't. ? Death Map, in real time, shows you every death occurring in the world at any given time you log on. It’s an online comic that you should never ever Google search, especially late … Kicking off our list is an online game known only by the title White Enamel. This is interesting in one sense as you get to witness the population ratio of the world balancing out. These are the 13 creepy websites that you should be aware of: ... Google also tracks the websites you visit, how long you spend on them, and what you do when you are there. A visitor to the site can see the most recent deaths but also has the option of looking back through the “jumper pages” that takes them back through the decades, as far back as the first few suicides that took place. Want to read the transcript from the flight on September 11, 2001? 14 Creepy Places That You Should Never, Ever Visit Unless you're morbid and adventurous. Convicted serial slayer Joseph E. Duncan III is serving 11 consecutive life sentences while waiting to receive capital punishment. "There were mirrors everywhere — I assumed they … Who actually makes these products? All information comes from the Texas Department of Criminal Justice, and trust us when we say that these information are infos you really do not want to know. People have actually chosen to donate their skin to be made into these products. 30 Totally Innocent Things That Are Look Harmless During The Day But Become Horrifying At Night. 15 Super Creepy Websites That Will Give You Goosebumps. The internet can be a dark place. News on all your favorite celebs, reality TV, and movies. The most scary thing of all, though, is that these are not made-up videos, but are all rather highly violent real-life news, photos, and videos. It says you should already know what you need to apply. Arguably more like a horror movie than a fun game, White Enamel will haunt you from its creepy soundtrack of an old man singing to its abandoned location. 12 Women Give Men (And Boys) Tips On How To Be Less Creepy. However, this macabre website gives you that and more on many of the worst plane crashes in history. In fact, this list contains some of the most creepy and disturbing websites to be found on the internet. One can also click through the list of people in the United Stated currently on death row and read about their cases and the amount of time they have been on the waiting list for execution. By … 2 years ago | 14 views. In the end, 12 were dead and 21 injured. Although a serial offender, Duncan also happens to be an avid blogger and is the man behind Fifth Nail. All we can say is that this game is certainly not for the faint of heart. However, these blog posts are a lot more eerie and much less humorous than they sound. Posted on July 31, 2017 | by info. Bestgore.com is a Canadian shock site owned by Mark Marek. Before you read on, we recommend that you back up your data in case an employee or family member accidentally browse one of these no-go zones. A Columbine Site is a website dedicated to documenting the tragic shootings that took place in Columbine High School. Still not put off? Before we get into an actual description of what Bestgore actually contains, we’ll begin by telling you that the site was so controversial and disturbing that is actually got its founder, Mark Marek, thrown in jail. 5 Reasons Being a Student Was Better Than Being An Adult. Top10 Creepy and Strangest Websites, You Have Never Heard Of. If you answer yes, you will be required to fill out some personal information about yourself such as your height, weight, birth date, gender, and the stimulants you ingest (i.e. Crypotomundo has got to be one of the most unique communities on the internet, built on mainly a male presence, who document their encounters or attempts to hunt down these creatures in a series of separate posts all posted on Crypotomundo’s main forum. With all this done, you will be provided with your supposed expiration death. 8. Best Gore is known as what is called a shock site, which is pretty self-explanatory with its main aim being to inflict shock on its user. Even if you are a claimed fan of all things horror-related, you will still find these sites very hard to stomach. But seriously speaking, this is a place that collects scary websites from around the internet. Exact prediction of death is done or not, but it’s a very unhealthy site, which engulfs a person in negative thoughts about his own death. The comic was created by cartoonist Jong-Ho Choi, or Horang, as he’s better known and includes a “trigger warning” upon entering. The internet can be a dark and dismal place. This site is just plain disturbing all over and unless you have a personal vested interest on someone on the death row line, stay well clear of it. All there is is a login button and an email address to apply for membership. If the creepy location isn’t enough, then the game's soundtrack of an old man singing eerily will certainly make you feel uncomfortable. In one part of the site, users have the option of reporting a suicide on the bridge by filling out a form detailing the events of the jumper leaping to their death. 35. Rohit Bhattacharya. This site provides visitors access to accident stats, reports, maps, photos, and last words of plane crash victims. Just know that you may not like what you find. Unless you want to have the sight of these products stuck in your mind for weeks, we insist you avoid this creepy site at all costs. Trigger warnings often accompany these sites; some have even run into legal trouble for the content they publish. Fans of the horror genre will struggle with interactive tours of, Meanwhile, other sites give you all-too-real statistics and updates on the macabre. Although the man who began his crimes in the '70s is now still in jail, he sends handwritten content to the creep running the blog. The internet is a weird place filled with horror, and these bizarre websites are some of the strangest you will find.Â. Often, they describe very believable sightings of these creatures in locations all over the world that may leave you questioning if perhaps there is some truth to the conspiracy theories behind their existence. 10 Creepy Wikipedia Pages You Should Never Visit! So stay away from Bestgore or you will regret it. What are the most creepy, scary internet websites lurking around the internet that you should avoid and not visit? For your own sake, we recommend that you stay well away from it. It includes precise details on all things death row-related, including accounts of past executions and the final words of criminals just before they died. Okay, you asked for it! This may all seem harmless and even silly to those who don’t believe in dark forces. It caters for all our curiosities, interests and hunger for knowledge. Darwin time is an extremely messy and disorganized site filled with disturbing images and writing all laid out on top of each other. Top 15 Horrifying Websites You Should Never Ever Visit: The following list was not composed for those who scare easily. I don't know about you but I'm not one to really take my time and even visit this website myself. When you visit it, it does what thousands of other websites do – it gleans every single bit of information it can, like who you are, where you’re from, and how you’re using the site.The only difference is that Webkay shares those discoveries with you rather than data mining companies. Along with this, there are thousands of hyperlinks littered randomly throughout the posts, which surprisingly all seem to work. These sites will be hard to digest, once you go into the depth of these horrifying websites. But make no mistake as they have been carved from actual human skin. The strip begins with a girl walking on a deserted street alone when she sees a strange-looking man in the distance, and from here on, things don’t get any less eerie. Nothing on Bestgore is pretend as it is a disturbingly real depiction of the horrors on monstrosities happening on our own planet. It is with all this information in mind that one can see just why this website is so dark and if this wasn't enough, it also includes video footage of both the perpetrators before they were murderers and highlights their exact route through the high school on that fateful day. Apart from actual descriptions of the mass murder, visitors can also gain further access to insights on the killers themselves. Those who have dared to enter the site have described it as downright disturbing and something they will not be visiting ever again. The first thing users are presented with upon clicking into Death Date is a simple question—so, you want to know when? In 1974, with the coal mines reaching their end, the mine was closed and all of the residents departed soon after, leaving the island effectively abandoned. These websites have archived creepy events, including A Columbine Site, which gives detailed insight into the teens responsible for the tragedy at, The owner of the site, Mark Marek, was actually apprehended for violating, while waiting to receive capital punishment, might land you in an abandoned psychiatric hospital, yourself. The owner of the site, Mark Marek, was actually apprehended for violating Canadian public morality laws, and officially stepped away from running the site in 2019. Some even feel like they are watching a horror movie. The internet is a weird place filled with horror, and these bizarre websites are some of the strangest you will find. In this video i will show five creepy websites which you may not wanna see, enjoy and follow! This very mysterious website seems to be the beginnings of an application to some kind of forum. If this isn’t all hard enough to deal with, the website also included actual audio depicting the plane’s final moments in the air, the pilot’s orders, passengers’ final words, and the devastating moments the plane actually crashes below. These people have bequeathed their skin to us prior to their death.” Yes, that’s correct. This list contains some of the most creepy and disturbing websites to be found on the internet. Some of the creatures these men are on a quest to find, include Chupacabras, Bigfoot, and an array of lake monsters and sea serpents. This list of creepy websites is not for the faint of heart, as it contains some of the weirdest and scariest pages on the internet. After reading this list, you will not be surprised to hear that some of the founders of these horror sites ran into legal trouble over their content. If you look deep enough, you find a raw and creepy underbelly. Joy of Satan contains endless information of the religion, including its beliefs, origins, details about Lucifer, and even how to become a Satanist. This is definitely one of the scariest webcomic out there on the internet. So creepy, in fact, that the Twitter account associated with Darwin Time was close down due to its strange and scary content. Creepypasta. You may be asking where this human flesh comes from. Websites Never Visit: Top 10 Websites You Should Never Visit: This is the top 10 websites you should never visit and please just don't go there in at. Well, the site answers this by saying, “Human Leather is produced from skin sourced from everyday normal people. People can even listen to MP3s of flights as they go down, accompanied by the final words of those on board. We don’t actually believe that this site can actually predict the date of your death but anything that gets you caught up in a negative thought pattern about dying and death is not good for anyone. The name Bongcheon was originally the title of an extremely impoverished area of Seoul, which has since been renamed to avoid negative past associations. Hence a strict warning, that you should never ever visit these horrifying websites… Strange Case of the day: 5 Strange Websites You Should Never Visit Bestgore. Weird and creepy websites 5. For those not familiar with this belief system, it is defined as a group of ideological and philosophical beliefs based on the character of Satan and was founded in 1966. These websites have archived creepy events, including A Columbine Site, which gives detailed insight into the teens responsible for the tragedy at Columbine High School. The site takes visitors through the devastating shootings that occurred almost 20 years ago in heartbreaking detail. List RulesVote up the creepiest websites. Not only will the site show the death, but a symbol often pops up to present this person’s religion—like a cross for a Christian. After logging on to the site, visitors will be presented with a map of the world and shortly after, red dots will start appearing above whichever country has just had a death. 1. cigarettes, alcohol, or drugs). People share their eyewitness and firsthand accounts of true creepy and wild stories that really happened to them. The criminal, Joseph E. Duncan III, is reported to have handwritten a number of posts from his jail cell that were then typed out and uploaded onto the site. Today I'm giving you some friendly advice as to where not to go in this crazy playground we call the internet. Those who want to get inside the mind of a maniac can browse this scary online journal. Both Harris and Klebold committed suicide. One of the most horrifying websites never ever visit. For those of you who don’t know about the Columbine shootings, they took place in Colorado on April 20th in 1999 and were a highly-planned attack involving a fire bomb to divert firefighters, propane tanks converted to bombs placed in the cafeteria, 99 explosive devices, and carbombs. Trigger warnings often accompany these sites; some have even run into legal trouble for the content they publish. Fans of the horror genre will struggle with interactive tours of eerie locations on sites like White Enamel and Hashima Island. Bongcheon-Dong Ghost. Seriously, prepare the tissues for this one. Next up is Cryptomundo, a website dedicated to encounters with creatures that exist as stuff of legends or deep-rooted conspiracy theories. So sit back and take a look at the top 15 sites on the web we recommend you never visit. Death Date is a website that seems to confidently take on a near impossible task of telling someone the exact date they are going to die. This is an extremely disturbing part of the internet as one can get a clear insight into the mind and actions of a dangerous serial killer. Reportedly, Duncan has spent a total of six years of his life not behind bars since he was first apprehended at age 15. Anyway, you're here so that means you asked for it! This website is a blog completely based on one man’s life as a convicted serial killer and violent s*xual predator. White Enamel is said to be so terrifying that players often mistake the footage of the asylum as being real. If you’re looking for pointless, weird and irrelevant websites, then be prepared to have your mind blown with this unruly bunch. Top 10 Cursed Websites You Should Never Visit. This is certainly the creepiest conspiracy theory website out there. The word "eerie" does not begin to describe this site, which is a bad choice for those who get easily scared. This is just the beginning though. 20 Creepy Websites - Do you want to get some ugly or creepy internet experience today and looking mind disturbing websites the here I am coving 21 scariest websites for you, that can give you goosebumps, Here I also cover red room, humen experiments, gore collection popular sites and etc, lets check scary websites Scary Movies To Watch That You Should Never Go Into Alone Thrillist. Everything looks so real that you will feel as if you are actually there, only this is not a good thing as the eerie feeling that follows is almost impossible to shake off. This list includes numerous types of sites from online games all the way to serial killer blogs. Hashima Island is such a creepy destination not just because it is completely abandoned but because it has a dark history as a site for forced labor in its undersea coal mines prior to and during the Second World War. Next up is Hashima Island which is certainly one of the eeriest cases on our list. White Enamel is a very slow-moving walk-through game that is certainly not recommended for those that scare easily as the anticipation of something about to jump out at you is almost unbearable. Who would even want to donate their skin to this? This blog is rarely updated, but Duncan reportedly hand-wrote posts from behind bars and sent them to a third party who published them on the site. He writes … Onion links (websites with the suffix ‘.onion’) host hidden services that aren’t accessible through regular browsers (unless you do a lot of tweaking). That, or something like hell or whatnot. This is the bosom of the abyss! The site received media attention in 2012, following the hosting of a video which showed a real-life murder being committed by infamous Luka Magnotta.As a result, Marek was arrested and charged under Canada's obscenity law with corrupting … These websites are so eerie and scary that trigger warnings often accompany them. Death Row Information is a very self-explanatory title for the website, as it just provides all types of death row information to those who dare to click into it. This will include the number of years, months, weeks, days, minutes, and even seconds you have remaining along with the “percent of life passed” section that tells you what percentage of your life you have already frittered away. Next, we have a website that goes by the name of Death Map where the explanation really is in the title. Follow. Well have you ever thought about the fact that there are some creepy websites, which are really hard for some people to visit? Sc Videos. Next up is a very sad case that comes in the form of the online website Skyway Bridge. I’m here to bring you to the world’s most useless websites. But even so, many would agree that no matter what you believe, this is not something children and teenagers should be getting themselves caught up in. You're using the web right? This is some of the creepiest information the tech giant collects because your activity tells them an awful lot about who you are. 8 shares | 2189 views . The website Plane Crash Info is probably one of the most heartbreaking sites on this list.