Road blocks and padlocks These dreams can contain law enforcement road blocks or trees fallen across a pathway. The ebook explains what incubus and succubus spirits are, discusses the characteristics and signs of sex demons of the night, unveils the entry points of spirit wives and husbands, gives details of the effects these demonic spirits could have on their victims and finally, … I have been out since 2018 and work at Burger King. Forty Days School of Holy Ghost 5. Annual Women Deliverance and Holy Ghost Impartation Service, Every May 23rd - 26th 4. I have personally spoken to and studied more than four young men that were inflicted with the spirit wife and they normally wake up being wet. That's what spirit dogs do. Feeling tired every morning. God gives His beloved SLEEP! The body will release semen during sleep, if necessary (this is called a “wet dream”, although it is possible for it to happen with no dream at all). Oftentimes you are undergoing a deliverance prayer section in the church or by yourself only to have sexual urge that you think is beyond control. For some time I did not have wet dreams, but now I have them at least once or twice a week. Dreams of adultery and fornication are only present when one is dealing with an unclean spirit. Inability to maintain holy life. Nursing children in the dream. Its not wet dreams thats pervy its because the winged girl never ages. There are other books on dream interpretations where so many kind of emphasis were laid on “wet dreams” and demonic attachments to it. Some ministers will require you to under go a deliverance section if they happen to be the ones counseling you. I not only want to list these types of dreams, but provide you with different ways you can respond to them. This is a good time to get out your dream journal and start writing down your dreams. Constant sex in your dreams (wet dreams). If you are an addictive masturbate, engage yourself in prayer and fasting. After deliverance they will temp that individual to masturbate physically or to ejaculate in the dream. Breastfeeding in a dream and even seeing breast secreting milk physically. If you have, or are having dreams or nightmares of a sexual nature that you know are as real as life, dreams where you cannot exactly distinguish the real from the unreal, please seek DELIVERANCE. Succubus and incubus are names that have been used to describe spiritual beings or demons that have sex with people in their dreams. It is never a crime to do or go for deliverance prayers when your wet dreams become too regular, alarming and disturbing. The dreams came back and pretty much made me feel like a perv. Your loving human spouse has suddenly become your enemy. Not to worried about dreams because I either had girls or hookers but they came back when I was locked up. The names can be traced back to legends and myths but make no mistake, these experiences themselves are not legends or myths. I used their self-deliverance short prayers more often. However, after deliverance from this spirit based on my knowledge and constant communication with these individuals they are not experiencing the wet dreams nor having sexual intercourse in the dream. Wet dreams can be influenced by the unseen spirits so sexual drive is but a small cause of wet dream in that case. Deliverance is a forceful release from yokes and slavery. If the dream centered on the members praying against the demonic presence in church means the congregation is joining forces to cast out demons. In the dream, whenever men ejaculate or wake to find themselves wet, they must pray and fast fervently asking God to … Psalms.127:2. The timing varies from boy to boy, some experience this as often as twice a week and some as rarely as once in two months, a few say they have never had any at all. You will learn the mystery of God .Also Prophecy and the Prophetic words of God Yahuah,Ra Ha Godesh aka Holy Spirit.Also deliverance and teaching and praying . Maybe you are reading this article because you or a loved one is having experiences suggesting the activity of these demonic spirits. Dreaming of an illicit, intimate, sexual encounter often reveals the need of deliverance from a spirit of lust. She was prayed for, and the Lord delivered her from the headache and dizziness. But thanks be to God for deliverance. The demon MARE: Works with the Incubus and Succubus demons. Those teachings are readily available every where and sometimes sounds convincing. Texts: Ezekiel 19:9, Rev. Some ministers will require you to under go a deliverance section if they happen to be the ones counseling you. Yesterday I did not pray and I had wet dreams. 13. Inability to conceive. 23. Freedom, Abuse Of Christian Sin, Deliverance From God Confidence, In Christ Union With Christ, Nature Of Abiding In Christ Being Confident Christian, The Walk Fellowship With Christ Mental Abuse Blessings, Spiritual The Lust Of The Flesh The Attitude Towards The Flesh Accepting Christ Judgement. We seal this deliverance with the blood of Jesus and holy spirit we ask you to fill the voids in me and continue to push out everything that Jesus wants out. 2. It occurs commonly among virgin males passing through the process of puberty, it also occurs among adult virgin males yet to experience a proper s-exual encounter with a female. Having these super vivid dreams can truly enhance your dream recall, allowing you to remember your dream in stark detail. These spiritual spouses infiltrate you through inner vows and secret declarations. ABORTS COMPLETE DELIVERANCE: Yes you heard it well. A lot of you mentioned that you wanted me to blog more about dreams so I thought a good topic to talk about would be the different types demonic dreams to watch out for. Deliverance, in short, is a total freedom from all satanic bounds that have a strong influence on man’s life. August 1 -31, fasting 7. Wet dreams come from these types of spirits attacking at night. One may find himself or herself repenting over and over again from these sins, only to find out that they cannot stop this behavior. 20. Annual Children Deliverance and Holy Ghost impartation Service, Every 1st Week in January 3. Wet dream amongst unbelievers, spinsters and bachelors ought to be a source of worry but it’s occurrence in the life of believers and married men and women needs urgent deliverance attention because of its complicated dire consequences and spiritual implications. Beloved Holy Ghost School of Mission 6. 18:2, compare this with Proverbs 25: 28. Attack by armed robbers Such dreams denote the existence of serious obstacles in the life of the dreamer. I stayed clean and out of trouble from 2009 - 2015. All seduction, perversion, weak will, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, & wet dreams go in Jesus name. I will share my personal experience with you, my real-life story of the activities of these spiritsI am a Doctor a… Miscarriages after sex in a dream. Their activity is sometimes so intense that the one who is having the dream feels as if it is real. This morning I prayed before going to sleep and I had dreams. 21. Wedding in the dream. Masturbation, wet dreams, pornography, random sex acts and thoughts all of which may have never happened prior to their being infiltrated by these spiritual wives and husband spirits. On Abstinence and Wet Dreams - January 3, 2018 This Thing Of Ours - October 11, 2016 Mrs Somebody: On Last Names And The Quest For True Happiness - August 22, 2016 Galantamine is an extract from the Red Spider Lilly plant is also a very powerful way to induce lucid dreams. Pray earnestly for deliverance from the dreams, and gather some brothers around you to join in earnest prayer. If you are having problems with these types of experiences, you need deliverance. SEND 1-2 PAGE PRAYER REQUEST LETTERS ONLY TO AND DONATIONS AND OFFERING TO Prophetic Voice of Yahushua Ministry Prayer Requests P.O. However, after deliverance from this spirit based on my knowledge and constant communication with these individuals they are not experiencing the wet dreams nor having sexual intercourse in the dream. Don't allow satan and his demonic hosts to degrade your body which is the Temple of God. Normal or abnormal situations needs prayers. Spirit spouse is a spirit that comes in human form to have intercourse with a man or woman in his or her dream. Some even left to have sex. This is then followed by dreams of defilements. I get attacked in my dreams sometimes. "That's going to be my husband or wife" "The Lord said that's my husband or wife". Loss of job and valuables before or just after the marriage ceremony. No you don't deliver your soul that way. Those teachings are readily available every where and sometimes sounds convincing. This is to reinstate evil covenants and connections to such an individual. There are other books on dream interpretations where so many kind of emphasis were laid on “wet dreams” and demonic attachments to it. It is never a crime to do or go for deliverance prayers when your wet dreams become too regular, alarming and disturbing. 22. Constant wet dreams. Wet dreams are a way for a demon to take advantage of the oppressed (not possessed) persons unconsciousness. 14. Now long ago, I watched porn and masturbated by mistake. Read the Scriptures for five or ten minutes just before you go to sleep — some portion about God’s work and his value like Philippians 3:8 or Colossians 1:15–18 or Hebrews 1:1–3. Dream about demons in a church, it signifies that the pastor’s anointing is too low to completely bind and cast out evil spirits among its members. If you are an addictive masturbator engage yourself in prayer and fasting too. It is also a total liberation from all worldly defilements. Wet dreams are a perfectly normal way for the body to naturally release pent-up s-exual tensions. Power must let go where God steps in. Prophetic Assembly. Hi my name is John, i have been having these dreams occasionally which i see people having sex in the dream and immediately i ejaculate. R#1. I have personally spoken to and studied more than four young men that were inflicted with the spirit wife and they normally wake up being wet.