A good food will promote higher survival rates and better breeding among the guppy crew. Cardinal Tetra. The only problem is that both fish are known to eat their fry. Guppies Crossbreed with Mollies? Got a question. Few make it to adulthood and if they do they are sterile. Molly adults are large enough to eat the fry genrally for a couple months almost. Q. IME, fry have a pretty good chance once they are capable of fleeing. The molly is also a tropical fish with its origins in Central and South America. You can but I wouldn’t change it all at once. They don’t lay eggs and give birth directly to live swimming babies called fry. I was just puzzled as to why the guppies grew but not the molly. I need some help. Rescued some guppy and molly fry about a couple months ago, had to put them in the breeder to avoid being eaten by the parents. 4 years ago If the guppy fry will fit into the molly frys mouth, they will probably be eaten. That's one reason the floating plants are a good idea; fry attempt to hide at the water surface. Other than that, you end up with other livebearers like Swordtails or Platies that can eat them too. While most of them will be eaten, you can never be certain they will all be eaten. Few make it to adulthood and if they do they are sterile. pictures? I added plant fertilizer (seachem flourish excel) I also added a plastic decor but have since took all plastic decor out and only have live plants. But these flakes are not very healthy for the fry, so instead of making them regular supplements, just give them once a month, if at all. To conclude, for those who want to walk slowly into aquarium secrets, molly fish is the most appropriate. Raise the baby fish in a separate tank until they too big for the adults to eat. Otherwise, they should be fine together. If your water parameters came back ok. First of all, it is logical to start off by explaining how the breeding process takes … Water temp is around 78, water conditions are good. is not in any way affiliated with. However, mollies do not attack guppies unless it is to defend their fry or their mate. She could also feed it newly hatched brine shrimp (sea monkeys). Although Platies are smaller and end up having less time to eat the Molly fry before they get too large. The male molly can get pretty aggressive when there is females in the tank. Since they’re … Generally speaking, ... yes, a betta could eat guppy fry if they were still very young, but it would be inadvisable to expect one betta to eat what sounds like a very large amount of guppies in a very short time. OR if you love sand then I think you can go for pool filtered sand. She could either go to the store and get liquid food just for fry, or she can grind up some of the regular flake (so it's practically dust) and feed that. The fry tend to die right after birth, or during birth or are still born. For a goldfish, guppy fry will be a good snack. Contact Us 1-800-334-3699 Help Multivitamins Rich. Some of the flake food goes to the bottom and my fry eat it happily! Cardinal tetras are lively and colorful species that are easy to keep. But because the hex is tall and not very long it is hard to put anything other than what you have already done in it. Platys and guppies are not bad about eating fry, but they will do it. They are semi-aggressive fish. This dosent fit for fish like the goldfish who are eat mongers. *Awarded Answer Pure from Parasites and Bacteria. For shrimps… they prefer stable water parameter if you add stuff like that it will raise the TDS and will shock them if high dose. During feeding time, the adults will swim right next to the fry and won't even look at them, they are only concerned about getting the flake food, blood worms, or BBS. I just bought this kit and love it. Or like a breeder tank like a 10 or 20g? Just after 4 months, fry mollies completely change to adult fish. River Rock Large Stone as Aquarium Gravel? Adult mollies and other fish will certainly mistake them for a tasty snack. There’s still some good bacterial in your substrate so you should do it day by day. What I learned with fry is that if they are kept in a small net/breeder box for too long. Here are a few of the top reasons guppies may eat their fry: This is going to make things quite a bit easier when it is time to feed your fish. The only problem is that both fish are known to eat their fry. This is the substrate I have about 50-55lb of it in a 55 gallon tank, could that be a problem I have so much since i have live plants. I would just keep an eye on the other fish. Mollies and Guppies have essentially the same diet. Mollies and Guppies have essentially the same diet. Maintain Water Quality. The fry tend to die right after birth, or during birth or are still born. Yes, It is possible for molly fish and guppy fish to breed. Provide Hiding Places By Growing Plants Or Using Tank Decorations. Also, these days there are flakes available in the market which enhance the color of the fry as they grow up. The molly fry however is still very tiny. A forum community dedicated to Aquarium owners and enthusiasts. As far as feeding goes, mollies are not picky, they’ll eat frozen, live, dried food and a fair amount of vegetables. A guppy and a molly are two different fish. Just after 4 months, fry mollies completely change to adult fish. Luckily, you can care for your baby guppies by … Fry Molly Grown Up to Adult Mollies. Freshwater Plants, Freshwater Planted Tanks, Freshwater Fish Diseases,Algae Issues,Emergencies, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter, Suite 901, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada, is an independent enthusiast website owned and operated by Content on is generated by its users. No, it won’t eat them unless they are very young fry. I’ve done the guppy, Molly, tetra small schooling fish thing. What do guppies eat? Generally speaking, ... yes, a betta could eat guppy fry if they were still very young, but it would be inadvisable to expect one betta to eat what sounds like a very large amount of guppies in a very short time. You simply need to install things like … The guppy fry are growing, albeit slowly, should be big enough to release in another few weeks to a month. JavaScript is disabled. Fry Molly Grown Up to Adult Mollies. Topic: Is it safe to keep guppies with mollies? The worst case scenario is that the mollies become a little more aggressive than the guppies and they chase them until they get severely stressed out and maybe die. and first of all.. fish wouldn’t die even high in ph unless it’s a swing, but shrimp will because they’re extremely sensitive to changes. It could have been a parasite etc. I can step up the feedings, no spare tank and about 12 other fish in the tank. Generally the fish themselves don’t allow the pregnancies. You could possibly get away without any loss, but that will depend on the temperament of the Molly. The molly fry however is still very tiny. Many fish owners make the unfortunate mistake of overfeeding their fish. In fact, there have been many times, I’ve noticed some fry grow to full grown adults in my tank. Feeding them crushed flakes and fry growth food with plenty of veggies. Mollies and guppies are very similar fish with comparable behavior and needs. If you want to avoid spawning to occur in a community tank, avoid keeping both male and female molly fish in the same aquarium. One way you can cut down on stress is to add a bunch of plants. Poecilia (Guppies and Mollies) can cross breed but the size differences make it near impossible in many cases, unless the Molly is extremely small. Both guppies and mollies give birth once every 30 days. In the wild, mollies eat plant matter, algae, and invertebrates. 45 hex you might be able to do a small gourami like a honey gourami. If there are not that many hiding spaces throughout the aquarium, the adult mollies and guppies will also eat a couple of the fry. You can use fake or real. Their diet ought to be a mix of beef heart paste, fry flakes, and live foods like daphnia, vinegar eels, shrimp, and brine. Fresh vegetables keep your Guppies and Livebearers Fish a little bit healthier if you are able to provide some variety in their diet. Otherwise, they should be fine together. It may be better to keep her away from the new fry until at least they are able to swim away. want something different. Rocks or even maybe chemicalish product like plant fertilizer. Many fish owners make the unfortunate mistake of overfeeding their fish. Mollies and guppies are very similar fish with comparable behavior and needs. This is going to make things quite a bit easier when it is time to feed your fish. Create Lots of Hiding Places And last but not least, is the easiest, yet the riskiest method of all. However, the mother fish will eat her babies if they remain in the same tank. Just a view of my 55 gallon aquarium which has an adult mix of Black Lyre tail, Platinum and Dalmatian Mollies. I see your video the water circulation isn’t strong if you added the Seachem Flourish Excel and all the chemical stayed on the bottom that why loaches and shrimps got killed? What do you mean by breeder? The guppy fry are growing, albeit slowly, should be big enough to release in another few weeks to a month. The diet of the guppy fry will play a major role in their growth, and their resistance towards diseases. They are semi-aggressive fish. Any fish with a mouth big enough to swallow fry, and that's fast enough to catch it, will eat guppy fry. I feed my fry 2 times a day a little bit! Both guppies and mollies are members of the same family and both are live-bearers. Mollies get along not just with guppies, but also with platies, bristlenose plecos, and harlequin rasboras, both of which are on my list of best tank buddies for guppies. Hopefully your fish tank goes well for you. Poecilia (Guppies and Mollies) can cross breed but the size differences make it near impossible in many cases, unless the Molly is extremely small. With the two live together fine without too many issues? Mollies, like guppies, are capable of acclimating to full strength sea water temporarily, but it is not their natural environment by any means. You will have to start off, by feeding them finely crushed fry food. They learn fast where the food comes from. From: Marina - Molly fry I had 35 fry black mollies, 20 died now I have 15 fries left. Just do your water changes and add that driftwood in then you should be fine. I heard it’s really cheap and doesn’t affect pH. However, mollies do not attack guppies unless it is to defend their fry or their mate. Although some commercially available pellets or flake foods do contain vegetable ingredients, you should try and provide fresh vegetables so you can limit the amount of processed fish foods consumed. Is there anything I’m missing? Yes, It is possible for molly fish and guppy fish to breed. The list goes on. What do you have in your tank? They do not get specific colors while during this time span they acquire the major color variations and shapes. Guppies Crossbreed with Mollies? Like adding stuff into the tank? I want to put a pregnant female molly in my smaller guppy tank so that she can relax and drop her fry in a more "friendly" environment because the male molly harasses her and the tiger barbs are just very active. Meanwhile, mollies fry are usually little in body size, plus a tiny mouth. View & Buy from… She could either go to the store and get liquid food just for fry, or she can grind up some of the regular flake (so it's practically dust) and feed that. She could also feed it newly hatched brine shrimp (sea monkeys). Despite livebearers' delicate appearance, guppies, swordtails, mollies and platies are hardy, easy-care tropical fish that add great beauty to any home or office aquarium. However, it is better if you crush their food into small pieces, to make it easier for them to pick and swallow. You can buy dedicated fry food at your local fish store or online, but I would suggest that you crush up some of the regular food that you feed the adult fish. If your molly fish produced fry in a community aquarium, don’t expect the fry to survive. What do Mollies Fry Eat? Live plants provide a shelter and some microorganisms to eat, and fast growing species like hornwort also improve water quality by ingesting toxic nitrogen compounds. Separating the guppy fry from … You could possibly get away without any loss, but that will depend on the temperament of the Molly. Any ideas for that size tank? The guppies are much faster than the goldfish and get their food first. Guppy fry birth. Here is a picture and link: Artificial Aquatic Plants, PietyPet 7 Pcs Large Aquarium Plants Plastic Fish Tank Decorations, Vivid Simulation Plant Creature Aquarium Landscape. In the wild, mollies eat plant matter, algae, and invertebrates. All 3 of my female guppies were pregnant, and they have all dropped 8-10 fry each in my community tank. Mollies fry are easy to feed, as they require no special diet as their adults. Basically mollies and guppies are closely related to each other and can breed to deliver more number of fishes. Yes, they will eat them. Small one inside tank. She eats plenty, swims fine, no deformities that I can tell… even her color is good. Most fish will eat fry. A better idea in some inevitable situations is to feed all the fish a little over than normal so that they wont eat the fry. The adults will chase the fry around the tank, but I haven't seen one get eaten yet, the fry are pretty quick and dart off into plants to hide, then the adults give up. Buying your guppies from a trusted breeder helps eliminate some of that risk. The babies from fish are called fry. She just isn’t growing. The molly is also a tropical fish with its origins in Central and South America. Rescued some guppy and molly fry about a couple months ago, had to put them in the breeder to avoid being eaten by the parents. Lets answer your question now. Guppies can technically crossbreed with molly fish but they usually don’t. Luckily for you (but not the babies), guppies and mollies feel no love for their children and will happily eat them. Guppies can technically crossbreed with molly fish but they usually don’t. And you will have to feed them bloodworms, microworms and stuff like that. Keep in mind that the fish will continue to eat even after they are full. Yes! Come join the discussion about collections, displays, product reviews, accessories, classifieds, breeding, health, behavior, housing, care, and more! Yes, they will eat them. The genus Mollienesia , from which the name mollie was derived, has been re-classified as Poecilia and is considered to be in the same genus as the guppy. Guppy fry is around 0.25 inches (6 mm) when they born. Hikari Brine Shrimp. Guppies do partake in filial cannibalism, yet it should be known, they aren’t the only fish to do so. A molly fish and a guppy fish will live together just fine. 4 years ago If the guppy fry will fit into the molly frys mouth, they will probably be eaten. Props on you! Both guppies and mollies are members of the same family and both are live-bearers. The more room you can give them to swim away and hide, the better. My other small 5 gallon tank which I have moved all my other loaches and shrimp has been consistent at 7.5, I don’t know why the ph in my new big tank has been so high. Posted by Kelsey B: Your a good fishkeeper for reaching out and doing research like this. I have a 30 gallon aquarium with molly fish and I was wanting to add some guppy fish. I feed my guppies Hikari Fancy Guppy food. In the wild, both guppies and mollies live in brackish water. Keep in mind that the fish will continue to eat even after they are full. Thus, it is a good idea to remove the fry from the adult tank. Looking for a decent sized fish to go in my 35 hex. When they are born, the fry have really tiny mouths, so feeding them flakes will not work. –I think–, One last question, could the reason my ph rises in my big tank and not my small tank be because I have a lot of black sand in the big tank and just colorful gravel in the small one ph difference between them is 7.6-8.6. They can get beautiful colors due to quality food and good habitat. Contact Us 1-800-334-3699 Help They might do it, but under some circumstances like defending their pair or their fry, other than that, they are peaceful. Raise the baby fish in a separate tank until they too big for the adults to eat. A guppy and a molly are two different fish. Guppies are a great addition to your aquarium and are easy to breed. They can get beautiful colors due to quality food and good habitat. What is the worst case scenario? Despite livebearers' delicate appearance, guppies, swordtails, mollies and platies are hardy, easy-care tropical fish that add great beauty to any home or office aquarium. Top Reasons Guppies Eat Their Fry. Have you made any changes lately? The babies from fish are called fry. Both guppies and mollies give birth once every 30 days. While there have been countless studies over the years as to why they do this, there has been no concrete evidence which delivers a solid answer. But soon they will get bigger and you will have to get a bigger tank! Basically mollies and guppies are closely related to each other and can breed to deliver more number of fishes. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Generally the fish themselves don’t allow the pregnancies. IME, fry have a pretty good chance once they are capable of fleeing. They don’t lay eggs and give birth directly to live swimming babies called fry. I’ve tried lowering but nothing happens I did a 50%. It may be better to keep her away from the new fry until at least they are able to swim away. Thus, it is a good idea to remove the fry from the adult tank. Mollies are semi aggressive fish, and they will most likely not attack guppies. The more room you can give them to swim away and hide, the better. Got a question. One of the small ones that hang or suction to the inside of your tank? So my one male guppy is absolutely obsessed with my marble molly. They do not get specific colors while during this time span they acquire the major color variations and shapes.