Popularized by the first Mr. Olympia, Larry Scott, spider curls have you seated on the opposite side of the preacher bench pad where your arms are positioned straight down for a wicked squeeze at the top. Not getting that pump you grew accustomed to? They are also great for the strip method technique since all you have to do is move the pin. This seated barbell curl will really focus on developing the peak of your bicep during contractions.Â. Why it works: Similar to concentration curls, preacher curls eliminate any momentum you can gain by swinging or twisting and puts the focus directly on your biceps. Lean away, keep your body straight, and pin your upper arms at your sides. You’ll get a great stretch at the bottom of the exercise, too. Not everything here is a derivative of the traditional curl. Related: 10 Must-Try Unconventional Bicep Exercises For Arm Day. Whether your gym has a fat bar (a bar that is considerably thicker than the standard width) or you use an additional grip cover to mimic a thicker grip, they will challenge your grip, forearms, and biceps beyond the norm. Slowly curl the bar up to the top and bring it a few inches from your chin. What is done in a typical biceps workout? Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions. Over time, that means more strength and more size. Pick a couple of them and add them to your training. For one, similar to the preacher curl, you have to rest your triceps on a pad to prevent yourself from using momentum or swinging your body. Why it works: Spider curls are incredible for building huge biceps. Lower the bar down towards your thighs and curl it up again. Here you will perform the bottom half of the curl for seven reps then rest for 30 seconds. For access to exclusive gear videos, celebrity interviews, and more, subscribe on YouTube! Do 5 – 6 sets of 4 – 8 reps; if you can do more, use a heavier plate. Seated on the end of a bench, place a barbell in your lap, and curl it up. Why it works: Spider curls are incredible for building huge biceps. I will continue to use both though. Dumbbell spider curl. Curl and hold the weights at 90-degrees. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'mensjournal_com-incontent_13','ezslot_1',128,'0','0'])); Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest adventures, workouts, destinations, and more. The drag curl will allow you to use a bit more weight than the traditional curl, but still puts you in a very tight angle of execution. Then, curl the TRX towards you. (The more you know, right?) How to do it: Use the preacher curl machine backwards so that your triceps are resting on the straight-up-and-down side. Barbell workouts are really my favorite. Web page addresses and e-mail addresses turn into links automatically. Hone in on your bicep using conventional concentration curls. Also, because it strengths your grip, it allows you to hold more weight during conventional bicep exercises. Nothing fancy, nothing too complicated. To … Make sure to keep your elbow soft at the bottom of the rep to keep constant tension on the biceps. Instead of alternating arms during dumbbell curls, perform four of five reps with one arm then four of five with the other arm. The imbalance of a kettlebell will make your biceps, and all of their supportive muscle, work overtime for one unique experience. Below are some of the traditional bicep exercises, as well as many of my favorites, and some great methods for muscle development. KNURLED TEXTURE: The barbell features diamond-knurled hand grips that are designed to give you a sturdy grip. Perform your bicep curls. This lift is a must do. Utilizing a inclined angle when performing incline curls allows you to stretch the biceps in a unique way recruiting even more muscle fibers to be stimulated. Now do 10 full range of motion hammer curls with your right arm. They will then hand you back the bar for your next set. Flex your biceps strongly at the top. All this talk about form and technique can be thrown out the window with cheat curls. Biceps curl is a general term for a series of strength exercises that involve brachioradialis, front deltoid and the main target on biceps brachii. Depending on what exercises you perform, you can also target your legs and glutes. Great list! Face away from the cable machine with the cable coming between your legs. Cross body curls, also known as the piuwheel curl, takes the dumbbells across the body versus straight out in front. Lie faceup on floor with arms by sides. There are plenty of different types of machines for biceps, just be sure to use proper form and technique. This is a technique perfect for preacher curls. Incorporate these into your arms workouts. For example, if you set a goal of 100 reps, choose an exercise and perform as many sets as it takes to accomplish that goal. After performing your set hand the same barbell to your training partner. Choose a rep total and shoot for it. Has your bicep routine gone stale? My left arm is strong, but not as strong as my right arm. After you reach failure, lower the weight a few inches and start to pulse the weight with small range reps. The traditional hammer curl is not only great for forearm development, but also helping give your biceps that coveted peak. Here are 10 different ways to do a biceps curl. Why it works: Band-resisted exercises help you explode past sticking points. Start with a standard 45 degree angle with your body and perfect form first. 4. As it doesn’t necessarily stress the biceps at the bottom, the top serves a wicked squeeze. Check out these 48 curl variations. Try using an open grip for a change. It allows you to use a maximum amount of weight and the motion packs on mass. Take a central grip on the barbell and go slow. But biceps training is often viewed as limited and boring. Lying on a bench that is high enough for the dumbbells to clear will give you one intense stretch. Muscle & Strength, LLC Lines and paragraphs break automatically. This version of the curl was one of Arnold’s favorites during the golden era of bodybuilding. You can also perform rows, presses, and extensions. Dumbbell curls are another necessary lift in an arm workout. After 10 reps, hold that dumbbell at 90 degrees again, then switch arms. With this version you’ll once again have the option to twist the wrist as you curl. This has your thumb on the same side as your other fingers. Join over 500k subscribers who receive weekly workouts, diet plans, videos and expert guides from Muscle & Strength. You can also do upright rows and triceps extensions. How to do it: While sitting on a bench with your feet firmly on the floor, place the back of your left upper arm on the inside of your thigh. Dumbell curls to me are much more difficult to perform. Spider Curls. 3A Spider curl: 5: 12: 0sec: 2011: 3B Narrow dumbbell press-up: 5: 12: 60sec: 2010: Workout 3: Legs And Abs (Week 1) 1A Squat. Keeping upper body lifted throughout, bring right knee toward chest and reach right hand outside of right ankle and left hand … Curl the bar up half way for seven reps, then go from midpoint all the way to the top for seven reps, and then perform seven more full-range reps. That’s one set. Next do the top half and rest 30 seconds and finally, go full-range for your last seven reps. Having rest periods peppered in between sets, you will be able to use more weight. Maybe it's time to switch things up! Why it works: This curl combines the conventional bicep curl and reverse curl for an awesome two-in-one movement. Start with your arms hanging straight down to the floor and curl. Success! The Zottman curl, one of the more unique curl variations, has you curling the dumbbell up as normal and then at the top you will twist the dumbbell where your palms will be facing away from you. Keep your arm on your thigh throughout. It is important to be cautious with heavier weights. Well, if you get a little creative you can come up with not only a long list of creative exercises to choose from, but also plenty of bicep specific training and intensity techniques. Go slow and controlled. Balance is key here so your biceps will be working overtime. How to do it: Instead of doing a bicep curl with a dumbbell, use a weight plate and grab it by its end. Alternate back to the other arm until all reps are completed. The advantage of cables is the constant tension they produce throughout the movement. Check your inbox for your welcome email. One arm exercises allow you to twist at the wrist making it a much more focused exercise. 5. Because cables rely on a pulley system, however, you’ll get constant tension throughout the movement for consistent stimulus. Email: click here. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'mensjournal_com-incontent_6','ezslot_2',121,'0','0']));How to do it: Using a regular preacher bench, grab an EZ Curl bar with both hands using an underhand grip (palms facing upwards). M&S weekly newsletter sends you workouts, articles and motivation based on your goal. Once you get into the middle range of the movement, you’re finally pulling against gravity. These eight moves prove you don't need a ton of heavy weights to get muscular arms. From there, lower the weight down and twist at the bottom before your next rep. Here, you will choose three exercises and perform them from most to least difficult without rest. This Dumbbell Finisher Blasts Your Whole Back. Normally, you would use a closed grip, or thumb wrapped around the bar, for all of your curling exercise. The eight sets of eight reps uses more volume which results in more muscle mass. You forgot the inverted bicep curl aka the bicep inverted row. This will allow you to use a bit more weight and obtain a better contraction. Give the one arm spider curl a shot! This Curl Workout Is the Perfect Biceps Finisher. Popularized by the first Mr. Olympia, Larry Scott, spider curls have you seated on the opposite side of the preacher bench pad where your arms are positioned straight down for a wicked squeeze at the top. How to do it: Grab the end of an exercise band with each hand holding the middle of the band under your feet. Brad has a Master's degree in Kinesiology and is a strength and conditioning specialist, military veteran, and cancer survivor. This angle will give you a slightly different feeling. One-arm spider/Scott curl 4. 1180 First Street South How to do it: Attach a curl handle to the cable machine. Perform the cable curl in the same fashion you would barbell curls. Learn how to get order discounts and FREE fitness gear! Related: Joe Donnelly - Build Bigger Biceps With This Curl Variation. Lie face down on an incline bench and have the bar hanging straight down. Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. Stand facing the machine and as close to the machine as you can. You can do spider curls, skull crushers, and preacher curls. I never cheat with the barbell, but I prefer this method because I get a better workout with a barbell. If you want even bigger arms, do variations of the biceps curl. Here, be sure as you curl up that you round your back to get more stress to the biceps. Put your right hand on the right knee for stability. Just be sure to use lighter weights. For more information please read our, The Best 20-Minute Bodyweight Biceps Workout, The Secret to Mark Wahlberg’s Forever-Shredded Physique, The Busy Man's 15-minute Dumbbell Workout. Second, because of the starting position, you have to fight more gravity which gets you serious intensity. Return the weight back down with a slow and controlled tempo to the starting position, allowing some resistance (negative) on the way back down. Train this grip by varying the way you hold your weights. Men’s Journal has affiliate partnerships so we may receive compensation for some links to products and services. To get bigger arms, curling is one of the tools of the trade to get there. The spider curl is a unique exercise that serves to stimulate a maximal stretch of the biceps at the bottom of the movement. They also lower your risk of an elbow or wrist injury from ugly technique or heavy machine work, and they break the monotony of the same boring exercises everyone else does. Are you ready to get to the next level in your biceps development? And don’t be surprised if you feel a new type of soreness the next day. To make this harder, move your feet closer to the anchor point. How to do it: Place a Fat Grip around the dumbbell handle and perform your bicep curls. Curling from a cable positioned at eye level or above will put your biceps in a position for better contraction. 21's have been a bodybuiling bicep clasic for ages. Why it works: With a thicker handle, you have to squeeze much harder just to hold the same amount of weight, which boosts your neural drive and activate more musculature. This will take a precise focus on form. Keep going until you’ve reached the end of the rack. 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Learn how real people made their transformations! Why it works: A great way to develop strong, massive forearms is to strengthen how hard your fingers can pinch together. Much like the barbell drag curl, the Smith machine drag curl allows you to use a bit more weight, but now you take out the need to balance. This allows you to isolate the biceps even further. This way, you’ll target the biceps and brachialis with normal-style (wrists supinated) curls and also hammer your forearms with the reverse curl portion. You really need not to go too far overboard with these, but a little nudge at the bottom (or “body English”) can help. Utilizing the high cable curl will also give you an opportunity to show off those impressive guns! Why it works: Hammer curls are a great way to strengthen your biceps and forearms while targeting the “outer head” of the biceps. newsletter subscribers! If you want big arms, do a biceps curl. Columbia, SC 29209 Reverse the movement, returning to the starting position with your palms facing forward. Do your curls on the left side, then repeat on the right side. Spider/Scott curl. Get some great forearm development and lower biceps stimulation with the reverse curl. Spider Curl We’ll be honest: although it’s a common sight in commercial gyms up and down the land, there are many more moves better for building bigger arms than the barbell biceps curl. Blast Your Biceps With The Spider Curl Countup. Next choose a weight that has you performing a moderate amount of reps. Curl as many reps as you can, resting only as needed, within that five minute time period. Join 500,000+ newsletter subscribers! By using a band, you can better match the strength curve of the movement because the resistance will be easiest at the bottom (when the muscle is fully stretched) and get harder as you rise. For more isolation in the forearm and biceps department, the reverse preacher bench curl delivers more focus but with a bit less weight. Be sure to use a full range of motion when performing one arm preacher curls. Curling. Nothing beats the good-ole-fashioned barbell curl. Curl the dumbbells while keeping your palms facing each other. Start with your arms at your sides and curl to the top. For this exercise you brace your working elbow against the inside of your knee for extra support. This rotation of slightly different exercises and movement patterns can take repeated stress off of very small and specific parts of your muscles and connective tissues, which might reduce chronic injury risk exposure. Learn how to cook delicious healthy meals and snacks! Shoot for 100 reps with a light weight. Includes variations using barbell, dumbbell and resistance band, etc.The common point amongst them is the trainee lifting a certain amount of weight to contracting the biceps brachii, and tuck in their arms to the torso during the concentric phase. Curl the dumbbells while keeping your palms facing each other. You won't see many gym newbies performing the lying curl. Also known as the barbell curl’s little brother, dumbbells allow you to supinate and pronate the wrist in order to activate more muscle fibers. Curl head and shoulders off floor, then raise extended arms and legs at a 45-degree angle to start. Start with dumbbell curls for a few heavy reps and then, without rest, pick up the next lighter weight and rep out again. There's probably bicep curls out there that no one's ever heard of! As opposed to bracing your elbow, standing free form concentration curls have you standing with your elbow suspended without support. Curl the weights as you turn your wrists so that your palms face away at the top. Why it works: With bodyweight exercises, all you have to do is change the angles to make it harder. Why it works: Because it takes a lot of moving parts out of the equation, the concentration curl is one of the best moves to isolate the biceps muscle. It isn’t a greenlight to stack the weight on and cheat it up. Why it works: At the beginning and end of a dumbbell or barbell curl, you move the weight about parallel to the floor and, thus, don’t fighting against gravity. Hold a set of dumbbells with a neutral grip so your palms are facing each other. Build muscle, lose fat & stay motivated. Just as with the barbell version, this version allows you to supinate and pronate at the wrist in order to get an even tighter squeeze.