It's a … Setting the Stage In the wake of the Scientific Revolution and the new The activity comes with one page notes, a fill in worksheet, excerpts from the consitution and declaration Enlightenment Thinkers That Influenced The Declaration of Independence Thomas Hobbes Hobbes borrowed a concept from English contract law: an implied agreement. Enlightenment thinkers in Britain, in France and throughout Europe questioned traditional authority and embraced the notion that humanity could be improved through rational change. Options for further writing activities and assessments close the unit. Extra-curricular activities (i.e. Mini-Lesson: Enlightenment Thinkers and Guided Notes (15 minutes) Activity: Document Based Questions: Multiple Choice Practice (15 minutes) Closing: MS Answers and Graphic Organizer (4 minutes) Two Treatises of Government (1689) By John Locke Collaboration, role-playing, and a panel discussion are fundamental parts of the culminating activity. Literary critic known for his newsletter "Nouvelles de la république des lettres" and his powerful Dictionnaire historique et critique, and one of the earliest influences on the Enlightenment thinkers to advocate tolerance between the different religious beliefs. Students will be able to articulate the beliefs of four enlightenment thinkers as a basis for understanding the causes of revolutions. Enlightenment Thinkers The Big Idea A revolution in intellectual activity changed European’s view of government and society. Enlightenment Thinkers Quote Match Activity Critical Thinking & Common Core This activity makes great connections to ideas that the US has adopted from key Enlightenment thinkers. These thinkers valued reason, science, religious tolerance, and what they called "natural rights"—life, liberty, and property. sports and clubs) **Be sure to implement the ideas of at least one Enlightenment philosopher in your new school** **Be sure to discuss the ideas of at least one Enlightenment philosopher that you will definitely NOT include in your new school** A key thinker of the early Enlightenment, the English Locke was educated at Oxford but read wider than his course, gaining a degree in medicine before pursuing a varied career. Plan your lesson in Industrial and Political Revolution (1750 - 1914) and Social Studies with helpful tips from teachers like you. May 25, 2016 - This activity makes great connections to ideas that the US has adopted from key Enlightenment thinkers. kings were numbered. The activity comes with one page notes, a fill in worksheet, excerpts from the consitution and declaration of independence and an answer key. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Objectives Students will be able to: Discuss and differentiate the main ideas of Enlightenment philosophers Hobbes, Locke, Montesquieu, and Rousseau. Hobbes asserted that the people agreed among themselves to “lay down” their natural rights of equality and freedom and give absolute power to a sovereign. A new age with fresh ideas was emerging—the European Enlightenment. Why it Matters Now The various freedoms enjoyed in many countries today are a result of Enlightenment thinking. Start studying Worksheet of Enlightenment Thinkers. Enlightenment, French siècle des Lumières (literally “century of the Enlightened”), German Aufklärung, a European intellectual movement of the 17th and 18th centuries in which ideas concerning God, reason, nature, and humanity were synthesized into a worldview that gained wide assent in the West and that instigated revolutionary developments in art, philosophy, and politics. Enlightenment thinkers wanted to improve human conditions on earth rather than concern themselves with religion and the afterlife. James Beattie: 1735–1803: Scottish: Poet, moralist, and philosopher. The sovereign,