Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) is a flowering plant species of the Cucurbitaceae family . Habimana et al., 519 Table 2. In direct-seeded plantings, seed is placed 1,2 cm to 1,9 cm deep. Yield variables for watermelon grown at five in-row spacings and one or two plants/hill with or without poleyethylene mulch. Sow seeds 1 inch deep in rows, or in hills spaced 6 feet apart. The weight and size depend on the variety. Rows should be about 2 m/6 ft apart and the plants spaced at 30 cm/a foot apart. (15-30 cm) Spacing: 10-12 ft. (3-3.6 m) Sun Exposure: Full Sun. Watermelons are planted on flat beds 2 m wide and 20 cm to 30 cm high. Height: 6-12 in. Spacing Between Plants: Spacing Between Rows: Days to Germinate (Sprout) Germination Soil Temp: Planting Season _____ Plant Height: No. Sowing Method: Different methods are used for sowing. Often grown in widely spaced enriched hills, or in well-aged compost heaps that include some soil. To help you with growing watermelon, our comprehensive guide gives you all the details about planting, harvesting, companion plants and pests to look out for, so you can grow your own fond memories! Harvest – July to October It is never recommended to grow your water melon in the nursery. If you are starting planting early in the season, it’s a good idea to use pre-germinated seeds. Trellis Your Watermelon. 12" tall: 1/2 plant per sq. In-row spacing at a level of 1mx2m (S3) at 30 DAS had the longest vine (33.76cm) and 1m Spacing Depending upon sowing method spacing may get vary. Then mix manure and the topsoil and refill the hole until it has a 15cm space. (Sow twice as many as you want, and keep the stronger ones.) Spacing: Actual spacing distance may vary depending upon sowing method. Full-sized watermelon vines require an area measuring 8 feet in diameter. This was followed by 200kg/ha fertilizer in spacing of 30 cm x 30 cm which recorded vine length of 151.50 cm that significantly deferred from the rest of the treatment means. If you like growing things in neat rows, or if you want to plant a large area, grow watermelons on ridges, as the commercial growers do. Fruiting crops—such as tomatoes and peppers—are best started in small 3 or 4 inch (7-10 cm) pots and later transplanted to larger containers. If you like growing things in neat rows, or if you want to plant a large area, grow watermelons on ridges, like the commercial growers do. Notes In pit method use row to row spacing of 2-3.5m and 60 cm between two plant. Space between plants: 40-50 cm (18 inches). It is the perfect size for a family treat. The soil used should be well drained because the watermelon plant doesn’t do well in water logged environment. Early (70 to 75 days to harvest) Main Season (80 to 85 days) Seedless (all are triploid hybrids, 80 to 85 days) Bloom Color: Gold (yellow-orange) Days to Maturity: Fruits mature to be 18-20 cm (7-8") in diameter and weigh 3.5-4.5 kg (8-10 lbs.) After planting your watermelon seed, it’s a good idea to install your trellis … Watermelon Growing Tips Sukari F1 Cultivation Practices East African Seed Co. Ltd. ... Row spacing: 2.0 -2.5 metres Plant spacing: 60 cm Double row system: Row spacing: 3.5 –4.0 metres Plant spacing: 60 cm. Rows should be about 2 m (6 ft) apart and the plants spaced at 30 cm/a foot apart. Or, sow a … The flesh of the fruit keeps changing as per the variety. At closer spacings, average weight per melon Fig. Field preparation: Raise beds of 1.2 m width and 30cm height for sowing. 1. In pit method, use row to row spacing of 2-3.5 meters and 0.6 meters between 2 plants. Category: Vegetables. Key watermelon facts. 5 - 7 days: 70F - 95F: Spring Summer: Appx. Place the drippers in lateral tubes at an interval of 60 cm and 50 cm spacing with 4 LPH and 3.5 LPH capacities respectively. Sowing Depth: Plant the seeds about 2-3 cm deep. Hints: Does best in rich, moisture-retaining soil lots of compost or manure dug well in Fruit length (cm), Fruit weight (grams), yield in tha-1 of watermelon as influenced by types of mulching and different levels of spacing treatments and their interactions. In each hole, sow two seeds. Provide plenty of water to your watermelon plants. each. Bloom Color: Gold (yellow-orange) Sowing Depth Plant seed about 2-3cm deep. Take care not to disturb roots when transplanting. Watermelon conjures fond memories of hot summer days, chins dripping with juice and happy kids running around. Rich soil with plenty of compost added. For watermelon with seed (Quetzali), the Crop Set® application, plant spacing and storage times made significant effect on mass loss, soluble solids, total soluble sugars and acidity of fruit. These smaller watermelons are perfect for smaller gardens. Watermelon rows should be as wide as they are long. Growth and Yield of Watermelon (Citrullus lanatus) in Enugu, South Eastern Nigeria. The effect of different levels of spacing and mulching on watermelon vine length at 30, 45 and 60 DAS (Days after Sowing) is shown in Table 1. In the garden sow seeds or transplant seedlings into small mounds about 1 metre (36 apart) allowing lots of room to spread. When growing in commercial quantities you can plant on ridges. weakly influenced watermelon vegetative growth, and interactions among variables were not observed (Table 1). ≥0.9 to 1.0 m 2/plant or at in-row spacing > ≈70 cm in single-seeded rows 1.5 m apart. A scrambling and trailing vine-like plant, it was originally domesticated in Africa.It is a highly cultivated fruit worldwide, with more than 1,000 varieties.. Wild watermelon seeds have been found in the prehistoric Libyan site of Uan Muhuggiag. Planting: Spread the lateral tubes in the centre of each bed. Look for dark appearance overall and a golden yellow spot where the rind was resting on the ground for the most reliable indication of ripeness. Spacing. Make rows/hills about 5' apart. Just snip off the weaker one. Planting Method –Single row system. Plant Spacing Make sure you grow sugar baby watermelons in a sunny growing area and give them space 91-152 cm (36-60 inches) apart. After thinning and side-dressing, furrows are re-formed to the condition prior to furrow irrigation. Sugar Baby is the most popular ‘Icebox’ type of watermelon. (15-30 cm) Spacing: 8-10 ft. (2.4-3 m) Sun Exposure: Full Sun. Single Plants: 2' 11" (90cm) each way (minimum) Rows: 2' 11" (90cm) with 2' 11" (90cm) row gap (minimum) Sow and Plant. Soil Requirements: Shop Watermelon Seeds: 1/4" deep: Space plants about 2' - 3" apart. Honeydew and cantaloupe spacing is more modest. The planting hole should be about 30 cm in depth. Do not forget to account for 60 square feet (about 1,097 m²) of space each plant. Plant the transplants in the holes, spacing most varieties 6 feet apart. Space between plants: In Beds: 2' In Rows: 4 - 8' Space Between Rows: 5 - 7' Average plants per person: 2 - 6: Harvest: Determining when a watermelon is ripe is more of an art than a science. They require less space than full-sized watermelons, since the fruit produced is smaller. Leafy and root crops can be started in containers by spreading seed but once plants have grown to an inch or two tall (2.5-5 cm) they should be thinned. In-row spacing should be between 50cm and 80cm. Watermelon is a delicious and refreshing fruit that’s also good for you. Furrow method, pit method and hill method are most used. Sow twice as many as you want and keep the stronger seedlings. Height: 6-12 in. ft. After 2 weeks, thin to 2 plants per hill. Vines and Climbers. For rain-fed watermelon seeds, you can dig 30 centimeters deep in the soil. Our Garden Planner can produce a personalized calendar of when to sow, plant and harvest for your area. Planting Method –Double row system. The sugar baby melon seed package typically comes with the stick tag. In-row plant spacing had an effect on the main vine length, number of leaves, and number of lateral branches in 2003, and a quadratic response was observed as the in-row plant spacing increased from 1.0 to 2.5 (Table 1). These melons … Height – 8 to 20 inches (20 to 50 cm) Exposure – full sun Soil – rich. ft. The epitome of summer fruits, watermelon is easy to grow when it can receive all the summer sun it needs. The hole created should be 45 centimeters wide and have a length of 45 centimeters. Place/ sow the seeds deep (10-12 cm) in the soil for better crop establishment and disease control. Method of sowing For sowing different methods of planting like furrow method, Pit method and hill method can be used depending upon climate and season. At wider spacings, yield per hectare began to drop. of Plants per sq. Harvest Time: Harvest in about 12-16 weeks, dependent on the temperature. The very sweet, crisp, red flesh is a delight. Seed Planting Depth: 2.5 cm (1") Seed Spacing: 5 to 6 per hill or 5 cm (2") Row Spacing: 1.5-1.8 m (5-6') Plant Spacing: 3 per hill Planting Instructions: Start seeds indoors 4 weeks before transplanting outdoors. For transplants, a single drip irrigation tape … Summer is watermelon season, and just as there’s nothing like biting into a perfectly juicy, sweet slice, there’s no disappointment like finding it tasteless and mushy. Dwarf types grow well with a 4-foot spacing. Name – Citrullus lanatus Family – Cucurbitaceae or gourd family Type – fruit.