It depicts a five-point star illuminated with bursts of light. Soon, everyone wanted the 411 on today’s latest lingo. For those unfamiliar with the term “glow up”, here’s how the Urban dictionary describes it: A Glow Up is a mental, physical, and emotional transformation for the better. Urban You is a beauty bar with the modern person in mind. Urban Dictionary defines a “glow up” as an “incredible transformation,” or “to go from the bottom to the top to the point of disbelief.” Essentially, glow … And it’s hilarious. ing , glows 1. Gross, but hilarious. The phrase was first defined on Urban Dictionary on August 19th, 2014, where the definer linked it directly to the 2014 Ferguson Riots.. Deriving from "stay awake," to stay woke is to keep informed of the shitstorm going on around you in times of turmoil and conflict, specifically on occasions when the media is being heavily filtered- such as the events in Ferguson Missouri in August 2014. When someone is happy or looking good, they glow or sparkle is another term people use. Some of the slang words you're about to learn come from Mr. Callahan's dictionary. Cosmetic Injections - Luxury Medical Spa Treatments - Lash Extensions - Microblading - Blowouts & Dry Styling - Makeup - Manicures - Facial Fillers - Bridal Service - Private Parties. Massachusetts teacher breaks down the slang his students use by creating a dictionary which was gone viral online. A teacher has come up with a … It’s the bowels of the internet, with some of the most disgusting and disturbing words and phrases ever thought up by humans. Urban Dictionary is known for being absolutely hilarious, We have compiled this gallery to highlight how funny it is. Others don’t. It also means that you were probably having what girls call "a pretty day" where you just look and feel great. Check out ‘ The 50 Best Urban Dictionary Entries’ and share with your friends on social media. On most platforms, the star is yellowish-gold with similarly colored bursts, except for Microsoft’s, whose flares have a kind of “Little Star of Bethlehem” blue. Urban Dictionary: If you’re not familiar with it yet, we both apologize and envy you. Great atmosphe If you’re like me, you know the term glow up is all over social media right now, and everyone’s aspiration, including my own, is to accomplish theirs. Urban You Beauty Bar, Grand Rapids, MI. The art of “glowing up” is a very intricate, elaborate and individual process that usually happens over three to six years and sometimes even up to 10 years. The Glowing Star emoji was approved in 2010 under Unicode 6.0.. Unlike me, however, you probably never had to look it up in Urban Dictionary, because you're just that social media savvy. And if you're from New Jersey, you likely don't have to worry about the Jersey Devil. But while many urban legends are pure fiction, there are some that are absolutely true . If someone says you're glowing, it means that they can see by your walk, facial expressions, eyes and the way you talk that you are just full of joy. The spreadsheet, titled “Callahan’s Generation Z Dictionary,” spread like wildfire thanks to a single tweet. To shine brightly and steadily, especially without a flame: Embers glowed in the furnace.